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  1. DrJRapp

    Pass Mono Block Opinions

    It's a term that originated in the Military meaning Useing a howitzer when a handgun will do.... equivalent to using a diamond studded baseball bat.
  2. DrJRapp

    New ride 3

    They are all doing their part to help end it!
  3. DrJRapp

    Mono Block Opinions

    Just what I use a BAT VK31SE and the Palladiums. The Aragons are sweet sounding without any harshness and mine are biased to operate class A up to about 120 watts so for most music they are class A. But when needed they go on forever power wise. The nice thing about buying that set for $2200...
  4. DrJRapp

    Mono Block Opinions

    If you are able to move fast there is a pair of Aragon 1K monoblocks (balanced connectors) on the Gon right now for $2200. I use a pair of the Pals to drive my Summits and I think they are a perfect match for ESLs.
  5. DrJRapp

    System #143 (Summit)

    Thanks We have a couple of Willardsons. Snow white has now moved into the bedroom hallway to be repaced by a Brito
  6. DrJRapp

    System #143 (Summit)

    Just took a few moments and updated the equipment lists. The room now has a throw rug between the Summits....I should take some new pix.
  7. DrJRapp

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Sorry...that's the way it is........
  8. DrJRapp

    Introducing: MartinLogan Ethos

    It's very well possible that here is where being part of a "conglomerate" may have it's of ML's sister company's ANTHEM has the know how to create both the hardware and software to accomplish that.
  9. DrJRapp

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    There is a lot of good information here about speaker placement. The further from the "room boundaries" (front wall, side walls) the better. Changes in tilt will doi a lot for 2 ch soundstage. If you have them in tight to the front wall then think "dispersion" behind them rather than...
  10. DrJRapp

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Told ya this guy is humble..... It just seems weird seeing "newbie" under your name!
  11. DrJRapp

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    Great new digs...and congrats on the ESL's... I know that ML's have been on your wish list. I remember the day over at NL when I got on to proudly announce my ML acquisition and your response was uncharacteristically short..."Oh"
  12. DrJRapp

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    Andrew Is that your downstairs room upgraded or are those new digs?
  13. DrJRapp

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Hi Guy Long time no see. Well we've all come such a long way since Club Rotel and Nextlevel. Nice to see you aboard here, and I for one hope to see you posting often. Your wisdom and experience is a great addition wherever you go! Andrew is a very humble guy...Unlike most of us For those of...
  14. DrJRapp


    Interesting article. Paul Rosenberg (a relative on my Mom's side) once told me that Dan had created the designs all the way up through the 8008. Each Palladium is a bridged 8008 pair with some added circuitry to provide complimentray-symmetry. Aragon is often referred to as "poor man's...
  15. DrJRapp


    I know he designed amplifiers for his buddies over at Aragon. The 8008 and Palladium in particular
  16. DrJRapp

    Anyone want to lose a finger? ... new fish.

    Your right there with me in ways to spend our What size tank does it take to house that big boy?
  17. DrJRapp

    Soundproofing a room - decoupling, green glue, etc.

    I had a chance to quickly review the data and it appears that when applied properly in a given wall assembly that green glue can reduce sound transmission in the 500-3k hz band about 5 db...which is nothing to sneeze at. I may actually give the stuff a try in my next project that requires a...
  18. DrJRapp

    Soundproofing a room - decoupling, green glue, etc.

    I'll need to review your data
  19. DrJRapp

    Soundproofing a room - decoupling, green glue, etc.

    I thought I smelled advertising.