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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. DrJRapp

    Six months with the Aragon 4004 Mk II

    Unfortunatly, due to unforseen financial circumstances I recently had to part with my Paladiums...the good news is that a company called Indy Labs purchased the Aragon and Acuris rights from Klipsch and will start production very soon on a update of the Palladium design called the Iridium..they...
  2. DrJRapp

    Hi Everyone...I'm Back

    Close Dave..very close!
  3. DrJRapp

    Hi Everyone...I'm Back

    I'm posting this in New Member Introductions because I haven't been here in ages...or at least it seems like ....and there may be many of you that are new and don't recognize my name. Soooooo Hi Again everyone! Jerry R the new look!
  4. DrJRapp

    Oppo BDP-93 (successor to BDP-83). Any early thoughts?

    It's likely that is the case. Remember that the 83 is nearly 2 years old (design wise) at this point. Unless a manufacturer buys huge quantities of component parts up front in anticipation of a long run, they are at the mercy of their componet parts manufacturers. The answer then is to redesign...
  5. DrJRapp

    Phono loudness???

    I'm not sure that you will like the V-LPS...there are much better units available for similar $$. I myself like the Cambridge Audio 650.
  6. DrJRapp

    Phono loudness???

    It's nearly as important to know what your preamp input criteria is.. does it have a phono input? If so what are it's specs. Perhaps you need an independent phono preamp...or it could be a number of things like an impedance mismatch or more. I just read an overview on you preamp and it claims...
  7. DrJRapp

    Would you recommend Mosaic for my room?

    Not necssarily so... I owned a pair of mosaics and found that they are far more forgiving that dipole ESLs since...well...... they are not dipoles! They do very nicely in about any location, although I found that corner placement helped rienforce the bass.
  8. DrJRapp

    What HT Processors are users using?

    I must add that I did not mean to imply that the Integra's analog section was poor, just not up to the level of the digital performance. For use with any of the ML speakers short of perhaps the higher end ESL like the Vantage, Summits and CLX, the analog section is just fine. I was playing mine...
  9. DrJRapp

    What HT Processors are users using?

    I've gone the Anthem Statement D2 route and it is truely a fine picece although a bit pricy. The Integra/Onkyo pro is my current choice for price value, especially if you intend to use a preamp with bypass for analog, which is the Integra's weakest area.
  10. DrJRapp

    Most musical media players/servers?

    No, but I've heard good things about it. I'm considering it as an alternate to the above since it has several advantages, none the least is a really nifity, really functional ipod/ipad remote app. The other nice thing is if you want you can send them all your cds (on a spindle) and they will...
  11. DrJRapp

    Most musical media players/servers?

    Jeff. Any app that can control Amarra an iPad or an iPod other like REMOTE? I'm thinking about a new Mac Mini Server (dual 500g drives and 4.0 RAM) with Amarra 2.0 with the DAC1HDR fed USB signal from the Mini for the time being. Just need to find a way to interface remotely with the Mini
  12. DrJRapp

    What kind of Music Server does everyone have??

    That's the whole idea of the Olive's a network server as well as a player!
  13. DrJRapp

    What kind of Music Server does everyone have??

    Not the current system...but I have a 2006 Olive Opus that I loaded a few discs on (well about and am considering reviving...
  14. DrJRapp

    What kind of Music Server does everyone have??

    For those of you that feel that way...Olive offers a very affordable service when you buy their machine. Send them you CDs on a spindle and they preload the Musica or the Musica HD
  15. DrJRapp

    Just got monoblock amps for my Summits... setup question

    There are several variables in need of consideration, none the least is cost. Decent quality speaker cables are flat out going to cost you less that comparable quality ICs. ( contact me for what I use on my summits) Second, the longer a run at low voltage, the more the possibility of acquiring...
  16. DrJRapp

    What kind of Music Server does everyone have??

    Unfortunatly most of us have to be "do it yourself" IT guys because we can't handle the $$$ of the's way steep
  17. DrJRapp

    How to buy a turntable?

    After Tonepubs comments and reviews of the Audio Technica 120D a year ago, I bought one to use as my second player when I have discs that I don't necessarily want to play on my Oracle Delphi/Lyra Argo I/Rega IOS because of the age or condition of the discs potentially damaging the gear. And...
  18. DrJRapp

    Too much room treatment?

    I've always been a firm believer in the use of acoustic treatments to solve problems....BUT ONLY TO SOLVE summarily treat an entire room WILL make it dull and lifeless...which may be a good thing for a 7.1 or 5.1 theater setup where the multichannels recreate what the director...
  19. DrJRapp

    overheard at the San Antonio airport yesterday:

    I'm doing a gut renovation to a condo in neighboring Jupiter florida... My customer asked me to put in a "high end music system" "like bose" I politely explained that Bose was far from "high end". They decided to let me decide...
  20. DrJRapp

    Crap! Just heard the Summit X - opinions wanted

    The Summits ( Legacy and X) have a slight edge in the midrange initially that some people like. As they run in that mellows out. Perhaps that is what you are hearing in the newly installed Xs that was absent in the well worn Summits.