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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. DrJRapp

    Why do Martin Logans have such Lousy resale value and interest?

    I'm not sure that people buy speakers the way they buy amplifiers....based on size and weight. I don't think people buy cars based on those criteria either. An Aston Martin DBS doesn't have as much meat as a Land Rover LR3. Each one is beautiful in it's own way to the people who purchase it...
  2. DrJRapp

    Spire/Summit off axis?

    Like you, I owned RF 7s before my Summits. Even though they are very dissimilar speakers they have similar "beaming" characteristics. You will not be dissapointed, in fact the stronger midrange of the ML is just the ticket for throught the house ambiance. However, as "Fish" said, they are...
  3. DrJRapp

    Why do Martin Logans have such Lousy resale value and interest?

    Reviewers samples, store demos, etc.....LOL.....
  4. DrJRapp

    Ceiling Treatment?

    High and upper mid frequencies...due to randomness of depth and angularity of the surface.
  5. DrJRapp

    Hello from Bay Area, CA

    I would suggest you wait awhile till you actually get those speakers for downstairs. Your whole direction may change along the way.... I know mine did.
  6. DrJRapp

    Hello from Bay Area, CA

    A hearty welcome to the world of ML "Mania". One way to go would be consider a used pair of Summits. ML is one brand of speakers that you can comfortably buy used for several reasons. First, the ML owner is a different breed than most and we "usually" take really good care of our speakers. #2...
  7. DrJRapp

    Ceiling Treatment?

    I've found that just a small amount of diffusion on the ceiling is usually adequate in most situations with just about any speaker. If your ceiling is smooth gypsum board, then the application of "knock-down" (a construction technique for textureing) will do a decent job...the heavier the...
  8. DrJRapp

    ML Summit X's not matched??

    I had this happen to me about 7 years ago with a pair of Klipsch RF7s. Keep in mind this was a $2400 pair of speakers not a $15K pair of speakers, so my solutiuon may have been different than what is appropriate here. It was definitely the dealer (Sound Advice) that mixed them up in the...
  9. DrJRapp

    Advice needed please?

    We have similar conditions around here in South I use a device from APC that is both a multi-stage filter and a power regenerator (to maintain stable voltage in spite of brown outs). I actually have 3 of these, one for each system in the house. It's an HC10 and lists at $199 here...
  10. DrJRapp

    Power cords of different lengths on MLs.

    No more than people so obssesed that they need lasers to measure speaker distances within thousandths of an inch!
  11. DrJRapp

    ML Summit X's not matched??

    I know that everybody plans to keep their Logans forever so this may not be applicable... Sequential serial numbers of speakers (or pairs of monoblocks, etc) are much easier to sell and could bring higher resale some day.
  12. DrJRapp

    More Nordost ramblings

    Right on the mark. I went through home auditioning dozens (well maybe not dozens... probably only 8 or just seemed like dozens) of high end/high priced speaker cables when I first got my Summits and ultimately settled on a wire made by a company called IXOS: IXOS XHS756 7 GAMMA...
  13. DrJRapp

    Last Chance

    BMG Music, a mainline resource of Jazz and Classical CDs is undergoing reorganization and will cease all sales as of June 23d. Those of you having music in the cue, or have unredeemed free CDs (like myself) need to cash in before then.
  14. DrJRapp

    Power cords of different lengths on MLs.'s called noise. Its a multiplexed digital signal in most cases. However, modern day power supplies and power conditioners will remove that. Besides, staying on subject, it's a constant not affected by transmission line (ie: power cord) length.
  15. DrJRapp

    Power cords of different lengths on MLs.

    Signal wires if they are different lengths run the risk of generating time anomalies in the signal due to the signal in the shorter one arriving earlier than the longer one. This effect is so small as to not be audible or even measureable in quality cable at length differences under say 6 feet...
  16. DrJRapp

    Origin of Your Equipment

    I agree completely!!!, and unlike a lot of tables out there that serve mainly as audio porn stars ...the Oracles actually perform very, very, well. Speakers: Martin Logan Summits..USA Preamp: Balanced Audio Technologies...USA Monoblocks: Aragon Paladium 1K (Klipsch)....USA Digital Player...
  17. DrJRapp

    Rega P10 announced!

    Interesting to see Rega finally embracing the three point airframe plinth. From an engineering point of view it makes a lot of sense not to have so much surface area to potentially be affected by sound waves and resonate.
  18. DrJRapp

    Last 20 Years - Any Real Audio Advancements?

    I think there have been nearly continuous but minute advancements in the state of the art. If you could possibly do direct comparisons between new gear from the 80 and what is available now you would be astonished at the cumulative differences.
  19. DrJRapp

    For those who have a whole house surge protector...

    I would make at least two of them quads (4 duplex outlets on one circuit, mounted in the same box) The amp circuit could then accomodate powering your MLs, which should be left off from the power conditioner if they have internal LF amps such as my Summits. The other "quad" should be for the...
  20. DrJRapp

    Next Step......

    Congratulations and Good luck've put together an awesome rig.