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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. C

    Right Amp for Vistas

    I have a pair of Rotel RMB-100 monoblocks. These are compact little black cubes that seem to work really well with my Vista's. If you run across them, they would be less than 1000 per pair and a great value. Chuck
  2. C's been out a long time...Does Xstat work?

    I think Timm has it right in that it is a combination of speakers, electronics and room. Getting back to the original question of newer ML's vs older, like most things subjective, food, wine, etc. people are going to have their individual preferences. I went from a pair of Aerius i's to...
  3. C

    What DAC would you recommend ?

    If they are within your budget, I would suggest that you also take a look at the USB DAC's from Wavelength Audio. I heard the Brick at a dealer and it sounded quite nice. They are totally tubular.;)
  4. C

    PS3 Audio Connections

    Actually the PS3 isn't a bad source to use. It has a zillion (well maybe not quite that many) settings so that you can do pretty much anything you want with it. The optical digital connection will pass the stereo soundrack as long as you set the default mode to stereo PCM. One of the other...
  5. C

    SVS subwoofers?

    I have one of the 12" PC-Ultra cyliners and I like it a lot. I got it 2 1/2 years ago. They have the newer Ultra-13 which replaced the original, but if you can find a used 12"ultra it should fit within your budget, and I don't think it will disappoint. Chuck
  6. C

    London Hi-Fi Show 2008 Pics & CLX recordings!

    I downloaded the CD quality version and except for some chap chatting during the music:ROFL: I thought it was great. Too bad it wasn't a different song however. I don't have any ZZ top to go home to listen to. I thought it sounded pretty good. I have a small pair of microphones that I can clip...
  7. C

    Anyone heard the Magnepan 3.6/R ?

    I have heard the 3.6's demoed in the same room with ML speakers, and while the Maggies are quite good and one of the few speakers I have liked that were not ML's (owned a pair of MG-I's and SMGc's), I always felt that the ML's were clearer and less colored in the midrange. Like most things in...
  8. C

    Disney Video- How to Hook Up Your Home Theater

    I think they showed it before National Treasure II. I was bummed that they didn't include it on the Blue Ray of the Movie, it would be perfect to show before a home movie. :haha1:
  9. C

    Preamp / Processor

    +1 on the MArantz AV-8003. :D I think mine sounds teriffic and it is definitely a step up from the Sony separates I was using before. If you want to know how it sounds, read Michael Fremer's (sp?) review of the Marantz SM-11S1 stereo amplifier in Stereophile. His description of the sound of the...
  10. C

    CLX coming to Cleveland Area

    The value question is always a difficult one to answer, but a year ago I had the chance to stop at a stereo/hometheather store in Arizona that was amazing, and the owner must have been bored becuase he took me and my wife into all their different rooms and played a bit of music in all of them...
  11. C

    CLX coming to Cleveland Area

    I've just returned from hearing the CLX's at Audio Visions in Strongsville Ohio, which is a suburb of Cleveland. I must say that overall I was quite impressed. Especially with the power of the speakers and the punch and impact of the bass. Also the soundstage was huge, way bigger than my...
  12. C

    CLX coming to Cleveland Area

    If they give me the volume control, I'll try and turn them up. But since I typically listen at 75-80db, what I consider loud, may be background music to others.;) I'll do my best to take one for the team and really see if we can push them.:D
  13. C

    CLX coming to Cleveland Area

    I just received a postcard in the mail about a CLX event to be held August 8th and 9th at the Strongsville location of Audio Visions. It's the wrong side of town for me, but I might try to get out there tomorrow after work to see what all the fuss is about. :p Chuck
  14. C

    Pandora now FREE with Squeezebox/Squeezenetwork

    I just wanted to post a plug for Pandora on the Squeezebox. I had never used it, but read a couple of discussions about Dead Can Dance coming out on SACD, and having never heard any Dead Can Dance, I got the free Pandora subscription, created a Dead Can Dance Station and it worked as advertised...
  15. C

    Theater i or Stage?

    I haven't heard the Theater i, but I used to have a Cinema. The Cinema matched my Aerius (older model ML) fine, but wasn't a great match for my Vista's in terms of sound quality. I would definitely go with the Stage with the Vantages, you should end up with a better match that way. Chuck
  16. C

    Calling all ML fans (again)

    I can't recommend a specific recording but I like Stravinsky's Octet for Winds. Good Bassoon stuff in that piece.
  17. C

    Website for High resolution audio

    Not sure if this link will work, but this months Playback Magazine has an interview with David Chesky about it. So if Chesky is involved I would expect sound quality to high on the priority list for the website.
  18. C

    Marantz Av-8003

    I just wanted to post some initial impressions of the Marantz AV-8003 that I received over the weekend. (Going to have to update my system profile) Just for reference, it replaces a Sony EP-9ES Dolby Digital surround processor for HT, and a Sony TA-P9000ES multichannel pre-amp for SACD and CD...
  19. C

    For DTB300

    Joe, I hope you get your Marantz AV-8003 soon. I am really close to ordering one for myself, but I want to hear what people think about the sound of it. Let us know your impressions of it once you receive it. Chuck