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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. C

    ML religious experience!

    Just to make was a regular 44 khz 16 bit CD that you played, right? The web site just gave a track list with no artist information, and I couldn't find out how to order a CD, or SACD. Seems to me that's not a great way to do business. :confused: Chuck
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    Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2009

    Guys, I can see where you are coming from, but isn't what ML is doing the same as what REL recommends with their subs? Run the amplifier output to the subwoofer, so that the sound character of the amplifier is passed on to the woofer. I guess what they are saying, is that at the frequencies...
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    Back in Martin Logans finally!

    Welcome back to Logans. I'm coming up on two years with my Vista's and I am still quite happy with them. I think sometimes they get short changed a little here, but for the money they are very good speakers. They posess nearly all of the ML midrange magic, and have enough bass on their own to...
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    Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2009

    Looks like those are Cabasse speakers. Can't find that particular model, they must be new.
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    Great Bookshelf Speakers

    Just another plug for Selah speakers. No, I have no affiliation with the company. I'm just a satisfied customer, who purchased their cheapest kit to make a pair of speakers for mom in law, that turned out to sound way better than they had a right to for the price paid. My feeling that if the...
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    Great Bookshelf Speakers

    I would recommend that you check out the Selah Esatto speaker. Raal Ribbon tweeter, Accuton drivers, custom cabinet work. I think it would be tough to do better at any price. And...Diamonds, you could...
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    Best way to get your computer library to your system?

    Another late vote for the Squeezebox here. One of the great features of it that hasn't been mentioned is that you can set it up to the Squeezenetwork to stream radio stations and services like Pandora without having to have the computer on. I love listening to the radio stations from my hometown...
  8. C

    You've Got Some MLs - But How Good Is Your Hearing?

    I seem to not hear anything over 10,000. A bit of a shock actually. My wife is always asking me "what did they say" so it's not that I can't hear, I guess I can't hear anything very high. :( Chuck
  9. C

    ipods and earbuds

    Agreed with what everyone has said about the file format used, but I would also add that I never liked the sound of iPods because I don't think their headphone outputs are very good, regardless of how the file is stored. That's why my first player was a Rio Karma, and my second one is a Zune 80...
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    Blu-ray’s Fuzzy Future

    I don't know about that. For me, I like to have the disc in my hot little hands. There is something sastifying about holding the product. My wife and I are some of those strange people that actually will watch movies multiple times, I don't see downloading as ever being a viable option for...
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    That sounds like a pretty cool idea, but you would need a media server capable of doing 176.4 kHz. That leaves my Squeezebox out. However, I have a Marantz AV-8003 that is capable of decoding 176.4 kHz, and it is supposed to be able to connect to a DLNA certified network drive. Which means...
  12. C

    For $2000 would you buy an AVR or a separate

    Take a look at the Marantz AV-8003. I got mine new for less than $2000 and I think it sounds great. Certainly better than any receiver in it's price range.
  13. C

    Which way to go?

    I've been starting to think about upgrading my Project Debut turntable and seem to be leaning towards the Marantz TT-15 (? on model #). It's a Clearaudio table, retails for ~$1600 US with cartridge and appears to be a good value.
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    Non ML Center & Surround Speakers for a 5.1 system?

    I second what Chris said about using an ML center channel (preferably electrostatic) as the front integration is the most important. I am using a pair of Mirage Omnipolar speakers for my rear channels, and even though they aren't a prefect match, their omnipolar radiation pattern makes them a...
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    Picked up a PS3 - Question?

    I'm a little late to this thread when mentioning picture quality. True the size of the screen and vewing distance has a huge impact on what you perceive as far as the benifits of Blu Ray. When I got my PS3 I was not "blown away" by the picture, (92" Stewart screen with Sony Black Perl...
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    new turntable impressions

    Congrats on the turntable. I'm using an older model of what is currently the Grado Gold on my Project Debut table and it is quite nice.
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    CLX - Problems with Projectors?

    When I heard the CLX's in a demo, the room was darkened, but there was light coming in through the door, and I did notice the bass panel shimmer, and inititally I found it facinating/distracting. But I would argue that it would be less of a distraction when watching a movie where your attention...
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    Vantage VS Vista

    I have Vista's, and while the Vatanges are a bit better, there isn't a big difference to me. I agree that if you want to upgrade, save your $$ and look for a used pair of Summits. Chuck
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    Best Center channel to match Vista

    I would say that for home theater, get the best center channel that fits your space and budget. Most of the sound from movies actually comes from the center, so money spent there is well worth it. I went from a Cinema to a Stage with my Vista's and it was worth it. I've never heard the Matinee...
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    Martin Logan CLX Hi-Fi+ 2008 Awards Clear Winner

    I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing he is refering to ARC which is located in Minnesota which is also the home of the afore mentioned fictious Lake Wobegon. If you can get US National Public Radio on the internet, check out a Prairie Home Companion. Garrison Keilor is the...