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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. C

    Processor issues

    My Sony EP-9ES is over 10 years old, and it still works great.
  2. C

    Collection of toys!

    Good stuff. I see my old HK turntable. I wonder if arm works any better in his, than it did in mine. :p
  3. C

    Onkyo pro PR-SC886P

    I would add a second vote for the Marantz AV-8003 if you can find one in your price range. It doesn't have all the toys that the Onkyo has, but it has enough of them (at least for me), and based on what I have read, it does sound a bit better than the Onkyo.
  4. C

    What Receiver?

    I have kind of a radical idea for speakers. If your friend can invest a little time in assembling a kit, the M-2 speaker from Clearwave loudspeakers would represent a real bargain at $580 for all the parts (including cabinets).
  5. C

    Removing Vista panel

    Adam is right, about the instructions. There should be a set in the box with the woofer, but when I had to replace one of my woofers, Jim Power e-mailed me the instructions as well. There are two bolts where the bar is on the panel near the top. They are recessed, so you have to look down...
  6. C

    A few "NEW" friends sat in tonight !

    They look great. I saw them at AKfest, but didn't really get a chance to listen to them. Sounds like I should have made sure I did give them a listen. However, my Vista's will take umbrage at your statement about the Fritz's being competative with anything lower than a Summit. ;) I still have...
  7. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    Gordon, The show was held at an Embassy Suites Hotel in Livonia Michigan. Pretty hostile territory for a Buckeye like myself, but really not a bad place. It seems to be an annual event. Hosted by the Audiokarma website people. Acoustically, the rooms are about...
  8. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    Unfortunately, I didn't take as many pictures as I should have. If I go next year I'll know better. Other systems that I thought were quite good were the Bamburg speakers. Nice detailed full range speakers, and the review pair were for sale at an attractive price...
  9. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    Gershman and Manley teamed up in another room, and I thought it was nice, and maybe the fact that there wasn't anything that sounded remarkable to me, should be taken as a positive. There wasn't anything that stood out to me, it just sounded relaxed.
  10. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    I peeked in the door of one room and spied what looked like a pair of Martin Logans, and walked into Cosmo's room where there were the Frankenlogans pictured here, he said they were Odyssey panels and only one was working because he was having power supply problems with one channel.
  11. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    Another system that I really liked was the JM Reynard room with a moderately sized monitor speaker that sounded really good driven by Blue Circle Electronics. Nice smooth sound. I didn't actually get a chance to speak with Gilbert of Blue circle but his signs written with marker in the Blue...
  12. C

    Audio Karma Festival !

    Hopefully this come under the category of better late than never. I went to AKfest last Saturday and really enjoyed the experience. I missed connecting with Ken and Chris, but maybe we can meet up next year. This was my first audio show, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect so I left my...
  13. C

    Little birdie just informed me that the CLX will be here in MI .

    I can see it now. AKFest 2010 listening party at Ken's. :music: Great Speakers. Congrats.
  14. C

    Best Bar Burger in the World?

    I was also at AKfest, and while I don't yet have time to give all my impressions, I wanted to say that for the most part I agree with the observations that Ken and Chris had. I am thinking of building my own speakers and so I probably had a different focus for what I was looking or listening...
  15. C

    Best Bar Burger in the World?

    Ummmmm Hamburger:drool: I'm in. Chuck
  16. C

    Pretty Good Pizza

    I just wanted to put in a plug for John Fogerty's Centerfield Album. I picked one up used this past weekend and was surprised with how open it sounded. A lot of my older records sound kind of closed in, muffled, distant, but Centerfield had a big detailed sound that finally had me listening to...
  17. C

    A Different Opinion on the CLX

    Posted on the Stereophile website by some one who goes by the handle of Michigan J Frog (confirmed Beltist, if that means anything, never heard the term myself). Quoted below: Just goes to show how subjective this whole hobby is. La chambre Son Idéal: Another local dealer, this room featured...
  18. C

    What Speakers Do You Rate As Better Than Martin Logans?

    Admiting that most of us are heavely biased towards ML speakers, I think that once you get to the Summit level and certainly the CLX level that you are dealing mostly with different flavors of music reproduction and it then becomes a matter of personal taste as opposed to one thing being better...
  19. C

    Can you hear your records when the electronics are off?

    Thanks for the replys. I was curious to hear a little about what others have experienced. I have a fair number of good LP's. I have about a dozen or so of the early Mo-Fi 1/2 speed masters. I listened to Aja last night and it sounded pretty good. The next test will be for me to compare my Mo-Fi...
  20. C

    Can you hear your records when the electronics are off?

    Howdy, I'm just getting back to playing LP's and I admit that I have a very inexpensive system (Project Basis with Grado Gold). I am also using an old Meridian 101 preamp as my phono preamp into my Marantz AV-8003 AV-processor. The Meridian gave me state of the art sound back in the early 70's...