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  1. C

    Looking for Sub recommendation for Theater Room with Vista

    I'm using 2 SVS Ultras with my Vista's and Stage and they do a great job wtih movies and music. I started with one Ultra then after a few years added the second one. I can say that adding the second one was a big improvement. However, my space is more than twice the size of yours, so maybe one...
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    Disassemble Vista

    I had to replace one of the woofers which meant removing the stat panel. Not too difficult. ML's instructions are pretty clear and easy to follow.
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    Ken, Interesting. I may have to revisit my stage and try that, though I think I tried that the first time. They also had me swap out the stat power supply board in the stage before I shipped it back. That board swap was a bit of a pain because there isn't a lot of room to work with. Tonight...
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    Ken, My stage does the same thing (I think). I notice it particularly on Piano pieces, some times clarinet. It's like a fuzzy haze that surounds the notes. The Gould Goldberg Variations on Zenph set it off unmercifully. I sent my stage back to ML, they pronounced it just fine, reattached it to...
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    The Unmoderated Classical Music Recommended Recordings Thread

    Karl Jenkins: The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace This is the one classical disc that I have from a contemporary composer that I really like. It actually has melodies, good sound quality with choral and orchestra. There is a wide dynamic range and an arrangement that showcases all different parts...
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    MoFi vinyl...

    Some of my older MO-Fi records are some of my noisiest. Steely Dan Aja, John Klemmer Touch, The Bettles Abbey Road, ELP Pictures at an Exhibition just to name a few off the top of my head. I was wondering if the newer ones had improved. Sound like maybe not. Chuck
  7. C

    CLX odyssey begins.... now!

    I'm close to I-90 on the Ohio route. I'd glady serve as a rest stop for the CLX's on their way to Maine. :D Hopefully when they finally do ship, the truck doesn't run in to one of our famous lake effect storms that strand cars and trucks between here and Buffalo.
  8. C

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    I'm glad you had a chance to hear the Selah Verita speakers. :cool: I have had a pair called the Granduer for the past year and a half in my living room system. They use a Scan-Speak Revelator woofer instead of the aluminum Illuminator woofer you see in the Verita's with the same RAAL tweeter...
  9. C

    Need suggestions for HT pre-amplifier for SACD, DVD-Audio Multi Ch and Blu-ray

    I don't know how the Marantz AV7005 will sound, but if it is as good as the AV-8003, I don't think you will be disappointed. I have the AV-8003 with the Oppo BDP-83 as the main source and I am quite happy with the sound. I have never owned any tube equipment, so I cannot compare the sound of...
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    New Martin Logan Speakers!

    Ah, but it's only when you finallly get to eat Graeter's that you find out what ice cream is really all about. :D
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    What HT Processors are users using?

    I am using a Marantz AV-8003 Pre pro. It has balanced line outs, if you need that, and two HDMI outs, though only one is active at a time. It may not be avaliable in the near future as a newer model is coming out with HDMI 1.4 capability.
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    Center channel stands?

    These guys have some nice stands. I bought a pair of center channel stands to support a deep monitor speaker. (Turned the stands sideways). They may not be exatly wide enough for a stage, but a little overlap might not be a bad thing...
  13. C

    Oppo BD83 vs BD83SE

    Christocon, Did you set up bass management in the Oppo? I suspect a lot of what you are hearing is due to the 7.1 inputs on the Marantz being pure direct, so that no bass management is being applied so nothing is going to your subwoofer (assuming you have one). While the Digital Coax signal is...
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    What phono stages are you using and why did you pick that one?

    Meridian 101 pre-amp with MM red phono card. I also have a Linn Asak MC card (it's in a box somewhere) ;) (Bought it in 1979) I use it becuase I'm too cheap to buy a new one. Besides, my current TT is a Project Basic with Grado FE2+, so at this point, I'm sure the Meridian is not my limiting...
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    New ML's Seen, Heard, and Liked

    Also remember that the signal for the woofer amp is coming from the above mentioned awesome amp, so if you use a tube amp, all that tubey distortion is still making it into the woofers so you haven't lost anything. :p
  16. C

    Dual Descent i Subs & Equalization

    I'm not sure if the Audessey in your Denon independently equalizes each sub, but if you are thinking about an external sub equalizer you may want to look at the SVS AS-EQ1 which was developed with Audessey sepcifically for blending one or two (even more if you pair the subs) subwoofers into...
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    What Was Your Best Upgrade In 2009?

    I replaced a pair of Vandersteen 1C's in a second system with a pair of Selah Grandeur speakers. These are largeish (22" tall) stand mounts with a scan speak revelator woofer (7") and Raal Ribbon Tweeter (70x20XR), same one as in the new Salk high end speakers, and the Kaiser Kawero. Anyway, for...
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    7.1 HT Preamp w/HDMI recommendations needed

    A second vote for the Marantz AV-8003. I've had mine for a year and a half, with no desire to change. It sounds great.
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    Favorite "song"

    Your Song, by Elton John.
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    RMAF 09: Unbiased(ish) Opinions on Ayra C1.0?

    The Marantz AV-8003 is another Pre-Pro that sounds pretty good in 2 channel that is fairly low cost. I paid less than $2000 for mine. Playback Magazine compared the 8003 with the Parasound Halo P7, and they also used an mbl 601D and AR LS26 as part of the comparison and their conclusion is that...