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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. D

    Price for new panels (Request, Odyssey)

    Don't forget basic economics in your financial decision making Not that fairness is not important - it is very important. IF ML raises the prices too much it will **** off its loyal and rabid customer, which it doesn't want to do. (Home Depot does not want to raise prices for lumber too high...
  2. D

    C-J Premier 350 amp!

    Another KO Victory for the Premier 350 I recently had a pair of $20K Ayre monoblocks in my system. They were Stereophile product of the year a couple of years ago. They were good, but no where near the amazing CJ 350. The Ayre is a bit more transparent and throws more detail at you...
  3. D

    how much power for the clx ?

    Sanders says: "When driving an ESL, voltage is everything. So when you drop the impedance of the output transformer, you reduce the output that the amplifier can produce from the ESL. In short, you have to trade output for more linear frequency response. This is a huge problem. It's a...
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    how much power for the clx ?

    Doggrell, You are asking good questions and in the process are trying to get me banned from the site right? I prefer the Soundlab to the CLX for several reasons. The CLX is very transparent. It's sublime on great recordings, but just ok on other recordings (compared to Soundlabs)...
  5. D

    Fair value

    Not sure what your definition of "fair" is. To me it is the price that both buyers and sellers mutually agree to in the free market place. The best way to guage that is to look at some fairly recent transactions such as posted on the Audiogon blue book. If you posted before and did not get...
  6. D

    The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

    Very nice setup! Are you sure you want to plug the Wadia in there right away? Can you wait a month or 2 and jsut enjoy the amps? Personally, I like to spread the goodies out.
  7. D

    how much power for the clx ?

    Doggrell, I want to add that you should probably listen to these amps before you buy them, especially at this price point. I heard the MA1's at Brian Walsh's Essential Audio ( just outside of Chicago. He has an outstanding MA1 - Soundlab system. If you are anywhere near...
  8. D

    McIntosh MCD 500 OR Esoteric X-03 SE?

    Audioseduction, Amen. If you own the Esoteric X-03, I understand how you would prefer the Pass XA series over the Pass X.5 series. Enjoy your system!
  9. D

    McIntosh MCD 500 OR Esoteric X-03 SE?

    I have not compared the 2 directly, but I always found Esoterics analytical, detailed, deliberate, prodding, and boring. I find Mac more musical generally, but frequently lacking detailed musical information. I personally like Ayre a lot because it has the detail of Esoteric presented in a...
  10. D

    Been experimenting!

    amen. Once you own an electrostat, it is hard to go back. I would take a $2K new Logan (or even better a $2K used Ascent) over a $20K+ Wilson Pup or Magico v3 for its midrange any time.
  11. D

    how much power for the clx ?

    In a nutshell, the more power the better to help deal with the funky impedance curves of the stats. Additionally, in the case of Atmasphere, the more you spend on the amp, the better the design and the better the parts used. Using the MA1 on the Spire was the BEST LOGAN SYSTEM I HAVE EVER...
  12. D

    What album or song is your guilty pleasure?

    It changes, but the last 4-6 weeks it has been Walking in Space by Quincy Jones, Memphis Slim with Matt Guitar Murphy Live at Antone's, and the 9 disk Grateful Dead Live at Winterland from June, 1977.
  13. D

    Pass Mono Block Opinions

    Dave, I agree with you that all of us have different realism triggers. I just checked the Pass website, and they sell both the X.5 and the XA lines to trigger to those tastes. And the X line ain't cheap either! XA line sounds like tubes to me. I rarely enjoy tubes for more than 30-45 minutes...
  14. D

    Pass Mono Block Opinions

    I heard the 2 designs recently in the same system. The XA design has a better midrange, but to my ears, the X design sounds more real. When a drum or cymbals are cracked, they sound REAL on the X350.5. They sound syrupy and mushy on the XA series. The guys who like to run tubes in their...
  15. D

    Anyone for some toe-in?

    Do a search on the flashlight technique, and it should get you into the right neighborhood... There may even be a youtube video on it.
  16. D

    Anyone into Tube Rolling?

    Thanks. Of course it's not 2 channel. It is a necessity, unfortunately. I know I won't be able to live without music late at night. And in a great headphone setup, your feet get really tapping.
  17. D

    What are your listening habits?

    I am also primarily into live music. I never got into listening to full albums thing. Other than a few classic albums that are worth listening through a-z, like Dark Side of the Moon, most have 1 or 2 songs that are worth hearing. Which is why iTunes took off... I also love to hunt for new...
  18. D

    Anyone into Tube Rolling?

    I am trying to avoid Joeyitis (Been there, and don't like the feeling...) by just getting what I would want the first time around. It's the best way to go, I think, rather than get something at half the price and then thinking about dumping it a few months later. As I said above, the prices...
  19. D

    Anyone into Tube Rolling?

    Yeah, I hear you. Thanks for the warning! Life is forcing it, however. Having a baby later this year. I am half way there. Picked up some killer Beyerdynamic T1's. Need an amazing headphone amp now. I am wondering if I should go with Naim or Cary. I was at Can Jam and liked the Woo 5 a...
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    What videophiles think of high end audio/ kids can't wait to unwrap the game vs cd/lp

    Interesting thread here. People sure jump at a colorful and bright tv picture at the store, but not at audio. Kids can't wait to unwrap the video game, but never bought a cd or lp. Here are some reasons why from the horse's mouth: