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  1. D

    Have you ever heard a digital recording meet or exceed an analog recording?

    Yes, thank you. I know where you are coming from. I am looking to get a great DAC.
  2. D

    Have you ever heard a digital recording meet or exceed an analog recording?

    I spent some time with the dCS Scarlatti stack since I started this post. It takes the best virtues of vinyl and adds the advantages of digital to that. People can have their vinyl and its hassles. There is no better sound than the Scarlatti in the world. The only problem is that it is...
  3. D

    ML with power surge/conditioner

    2 Main Benefits of both RSA Haley and Dmitri: 1) Blacker, quiter background, so more detail comes through. And it is not just detail for the sake of detail, the detail is embedded as part of the musical flow. 2) Greatly improved dynamics, even for power amps. The Dmitri does it to a better...
  4. D

    New Summit XJR ?

    I think you are right on the money, Gordon. The differences between the higher end models hybrid models are fairly small - despite all the cage match arguments back and forth. The full-range stats stand on their own and are definitely a huge step up. The Spire, though, was kind of doomed...
  5. D

    Biwire versus high quality jumpers

    I think the difference in price between engine sizes for these vehicles is in the neighborhood of $10K-$20K, depending on the brand. (I think the difference is about $10K for BMW to go from 535 to 550 sedan. For Audi, one has to cough up about $20k to move from an A6 to an S6.) Spending an...
  6. D

    Biwire versus high quality jumpers

    Cables and measurements - i think we need to start a another new thread. (Just kidding!!)
  7. D

    Biwire versus high quality jumpers

    Dave, You could be right, of course. But there is also always a possibility of a real, but small improvement. Take a case of a German, sports sedan. The thing has 330 hp. Most people, when they press on the gas pedal, crap in their pants, as the car takes off like a rocket. Good enough...
  8. D

    Biwire versus high quality jumpers

    Gordon, I never played around with this, but I had a conversation with this with Chris Russel of Bryston regarding bi-amping vs. bi-wiring that may be helpful. The simple answer is that the difference bi-wiring makes is dependent on the amp. Russell actually told me not to buy a second...
  9. D

    Biwire versus high quality jumpers

    You can easily try it with a set of jumpers and see if makes a difference. When I had my Ascents, the Transparent jumpers made a noticeable difference in my fairly transparent system. A lot of Soundlab guys like to tweak their speakers, pulling apart the crossover components, swapping...
  10. D

    Pass Labs XA60.5 Class A Monos

    No worries, I just did not pick up what you were saying. I don't think there is an SS amp like that yet. CJ Premier 350 is a good hybrid of the 2, but is not quite tubes.
  11. D

    Some 'light' reading .........

    Fun reading indeed. The story line sounds familiar: An evil empire of deep pocketed audio companies, a cartel of audio-journalists who delude a hallucinating public, some really gullible people who willingly hand over their hard earned money to these "monsters", and frustration over this by...
  12. D

    Pass Labs XA60.5 Class A Monos

    Len, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing - or let me clarify my assumptions. Nelson Pass is a hall of fame designer of amps -really among the best of the best. He is also a businessman that understands that different products cater to different individuals. The Pass X.5...
  13. D

    Service Notice for Discontinued Products

    Companies are born and then morph or die. I think people are just at different phases of the Kubler-Ross model.
  14. D

    New Summit X Review in TAS - Better than any dynamic speaker under $40K

    Rich, I have a lot of stuff going on and I will read your articles when I have a chance. All I am saying is that I hear the woofers "woof". The sonic difference is as I described it. The bass in a hybrid speaker such as the Spire or the Summit just doesn't sound like it is in sync to my...
  15. D

    Service Notice for Discontinued Products

    I agree. I did say "still", didn't I?
  16. D

    Pass Labs XA60.5 Class A Monos

    I have heard the XA.5 series and the x.5 series. The differences are akin to tube design and SS design. The XA series sounds like my VTL-750's in triode mode - GREAT midrange, but poorer bass, poorer extension of the highs, and poorer dynamics. If you listen to a lot of vocals or small scale...
  17. D

    New Summit X Review in TAS - Better than any dynamic speaker under $40K

    Gary, That sounds like an amazing system. If I am ever in your part of the country, I would love to stop by and hear it. :D As for the bass being challenged, I think a lot of it depends on the type of music you listen to and your personal preferences. There is definitely a lot of musical...
  18. D

    New Summit X Review in TAS - Better than any dynamic speaker under $40K

    Dave, I agree with you. I think the hybrid speakers from ML are superb, as are the Sanders, and as are the Janszen speakers which I heard a few years ago.
  19. D

    New Summit X Review in TAS - Better than any dynamic speaker under $40K

    Rich, I quickly read it. It's interesting. I am not sure if everything in there is 100% correct, but I take everything I read with a grain of salt. I don't know the writer's background, but I am always skeptical of claims based on only science that are not backed by observational listening...
  20. D

    Service Notice for Discontinued Products

    Thank God we still live in a free country that offers us this choice!