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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. D

    CLS IIz vs Summit/Spire

    Batman, These are completely different animals. I have heard them a/b and the sounds are so different, you think they were made by different companies. The CLS has a HUGE soundstage and great integration across the frequency range. Summit/ Spire have a much cleaner and faster sound due to...
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    How much power is enough power?

    Hi Hocky, ML recommends 200 wpc as a general rule, and I find it holds fairly well. I also generally fall into more power is better category. However, there are many other factors in play as well, such as amps design, quality of parts used, and power supply design that can make a lesser...
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    Exact Differences between Summit & Summit X?

    Gordon, I respectfully disagree with you. This hobby is pretty much all about personal opinions. Yes, there are many speakers better than Logans, and many are worse. There are models within the Logan lineup that are better than others - both objectively (Summit vs. Vantage) and subjectively...
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    Magnepan 20.1

    Jeff, fair enough. (By the way, my comments are more at ABS and Stereophile rather than at your magazine.) Are you saying that Fremer who owns the Maxx3 and just reviewed the new Vanderstine in his home could not throw in a single compare contrast between the 2? Pathetic! Or Valin, Harley...
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    Exact Differences between Summit & Summit X?

    Get the sprire instead I think that raising the Summit vs. X question with the Summit owners, who unfortunately could not pursue an upgrade path, brings up a lot of sore spots... Get the Spire instead. The market prices the Summit and Spire pretty much identically. But having heard both...
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    Magnepan 20.1

    Hi Timm, Someone else wrote this up and posted it on Audiogon. However, I can take the credit for sniffing it out. Since there are no Audiogon links allowed, I just copied and pasted. I wish all the magazines were that thorough in their compare / contrasts, but I think they are afraid of...
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    Magnepan 20.1

    I auditioned these fairly extensively before moving from the Spire to the Soundlab. I heard them in a medium room - 13 x 15, and they were substantially better than the 3.6's. The electronics were all Ayre, including the 300wpc monoblocks. If you are comparing to a hybrid logan, the maggie...
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    Music again - the new Spectral monos are in

    Spectral, Congratulations. They do look gorgeous! Out of curiosity, before dropping that coin, did you listen to any other brands? Jon Valin has been praising Soulution as a great match with ML, and I'm sure there a few others. Also, have you been getting any sleep?
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    ML Production moving

    Or buy low - i.e. now. Expand the brand, market it to a new audience, cut costs in a reasonable way while improving quality, and increase its value. Then sell high.
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    ML Production moving

    I'm not sure I share the romantic view of ML of old. One interpretation of this quote - from the same cynical frame as most of this thread - is as follows: Mr. Sanders was looking to unload the company. He created the Statement just to attract attention and break through the marketing clutter of...
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    GIK acoustics versus RealTrap?

    All of the reputable companies publish measurements and provide advice. Call them, send them pictures, and ask them what they recommend. Then pull up Excel and chart the amount of absorption along the frequency spectrum. You will have several different colored lines on your chart for each...
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    Speakers You Have Known And Loved...

    Justin, you are trying to get me in trouble... I loved the Spires, but I really love the Soundlabs. Here are the differences between Soundlabs and Logans (especially CLX, to be fair). Logans are brighter and faster, while the Soundlabs are darker, warmer, and go deeper in the bass. Logans...
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    SHM CD's

    Thanks. I was looking at one import cd that costs 3-4 as much as a regular red book cd. I will order and try a/b against a library copy. I will report back in a few weeks.
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    ML lack of dealers

    Welcome to high end! Even if you live in a big city, it does not mean the dealers will carry everything. Dealers around me don't have demos of many electronics I want to hear. A lot of dealers dumped ML when they went with Best Buy/ Amazon strategy for lower line products. That means the...
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    SHM CD's

    These are cd's made out of a special plastic that claim improved sound. Does anyone own any? Has anyone listened and compared to regular red book cd's? Thanks
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    ML Production moving

    Good point. The #1 criteria that VC's/ Private Equity should use in evaluating a company are not it's market size or growth potential. It is the people. If you can't have an industry expert with a proven record at your helm, your investment is in jeopardy. I am sure most people in the...
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    ML Production moving

    Hi Spectral, My first exposure to ML was at Best Buy. I did not have a car for some reason, and took a long on a very cold day. I stopped into Best Buy to warm up, for what I thought would be 10-15 minutes. Walking around the store, I noticed a strange looking speaker. While I was curiously...
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    Analyzing the reproduced sound. What do you prefer?

    What are your priorities in judging reproduced sound? - midrange accuracy - tonal balance - low distortion - frequency range - imaging - soundstaging - dynamics - anything else? For me, it's the midrange, midrange, the midrange, dynamics, tonal balance, and frequency range. The others...
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    Smashed ankle

    Doug, I hope you heal fast. All the best, David
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    ML Production moving

    The key to a successful business strategy is letting the engineers "play" JMAUSGP, Great posts! I understand the passion here. I work in Technology for a large company. We are losing jobs monthly to India... 100 people in one area one week, 60 another week, 80 people here, 150 there...and...