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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Stefan_DR3

    Looking at Theos vs Ethos

    I am considering the Theos my local dealer is selling - his demo pair. I have 600W Bryston monoblocks - will they be OK with the low impedance and will the speaker be OK with high power?
  2. Stefan_DR3

    Question on CLX and Subs

    If anything we should get them sooner in Canada, since they are made here!
  3. Stefan_DR3

    Question on CLX and Subs

    Music is mind blowing now that I got a Descent i. I had a pretty big sub before but this blows it away and has "audiophile" quality bass. It's not going to make a huge difference on 1940's recordings but with anything modern (eg: Dark Side of the Moon and later) you better bolt down the furniture!
  4. Stefan_DR3

    Depth i Grills

    Be very careful not to break the plastic pins holding the grill covers. Each grill has 4 pins so make sure all 4 corners are free before yanking it away and do not twist it.
  5. Stefan_DR3

    Hum from Descent i

    Got the sub replaced with a much newer build and the hum is gone, but still a slight noise up close. The box was different (cube instead of hexagonal) and serial number has more characters that doesn't fit the old decoder posted in the sticky thread. Is there a new decoder?
  6. Stefan_DR3

    New Balanced Force 210 and 212 subs!

    JL's at half price?! Is the E-series made overseas? At least I got confirmation from ML that their new subs are made in North America (Canada) which I assume would be the excellent Paradigm factory.
  7. Stefan_DR3

    Hum from Descent i

    Glad I found this thread too! Just picked up a brand new Descent i and there is a quiet humming noise coming from all 3 woofers, regardless of connection or settings. This thread suggests it was a common problem about 2 years ago. I was told by my dealer it is the last one in Canada. Not sure...
  8. Stefan_DR3

    New ML Sub owner

    Hi Janibrewski, nice to meet up with you here. Since we are doing introductions, what is your name? Anyway I saw your posts on AVS as we were both shopping for subs at the same time. Stefan (aka AVfile)