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  1. Stefan_DR3

    I need a cheap temporary power amp, any recommendations?

    I use a Yamaha RN803 (100W+) on Theos and it has plenty of juice. It's not my main system though. For that I snagged a local deal on an Anthem MCA20. Used power amps don't lose value anymore.
  2. Stefan_DR3

    Martin Logan Theos - Starting from scratch

    The reason I suggested even an "outdated" Anthem processor is they always make very good stereo preamps (they used to be made by Sonic Frontiers) but sell for next to nothing because people want the latest features for HT. As for the used Anthem amps they will never lose value, and are actually...
  3. Stefan_DR3

    Martin Logan Theos - Starting from scratch

    Hi Andrew, I have the same speakers and powered them well with either Anthem MCA20 or Statement A2 amp. Here in Canada the big US made amps like Aragon and Krell are hard to come by, but that kind of money will get you a very nice Bryston or Classe! However the Theos are not that hard to...
  4. Stefan_DR3

    Need help with Descent Subwoofer

    What's with all the blown Depth/Descent amps lately? Seems like there is a design flaw that eventually results in a catastrophic failure.
  5. Stefan_DR3

    Thinking of Purchasing a Turntable; Any and All Advice Welcome!

    Go see the VPI room, they are running the EMM Labs (Meitner) phono stage on a killer setup! I am sure it's rather expensive though. A Modwright might be a more reasonable option, probably as good as the beautiful Aesthetix and other big brands. As for the Manley stuff, you have to like the...
  6. Stefan_DR3

    Just got a pair of 13a's. I'm now trying to use the ML PBK.

    If you adjust speakers after running ARC/PBK you will "break" the solution. The correct place to make changes is within the ARC advanced mode, after measurement and before uploading the solution to the speaker. First go into ARC preferences and enable Professional Mode. Now you can open your...
  7. Stefan_DR3

    Balanced Force vs. Dynamo - main effect more bass or less vibration?

    I went from single Descent i (tripole) to dual 1500x in my HT. Much better now!
  8. Stefan_DR3

    VPI Prime Signature arrives

    Good news is Mat Weisfeld replied on Facebook and said they would support me if I wanted to exchange the arm (again) but I can also undo the warpage that happens during shipping by heating up the arm, like I read on the vpiforum. So I left it in the hot sun today for about an hour, then...
  9. Stefan_DR3

    VPI Prime Signature arrives

    Yes. With my old twisted arm there were visible gaps between the two surfaces. This brand new arm is tight (no gaps) but the head appears to be tilted down (non parallel) and the front 1/3 of the arm is sagging. I have just read on the vpiforum about early 3D printed arms warping in the heat...
  10. Stefan_DR3

    VPI Prime Signature arrives

    Very odd. I think it takes years for the lube to dry out. Maybe someone put the wrong lube. I just use synthetic (red) bearing grease that I have in the garage.
  11. Stefan_DR3

    VPI Prime Signature arrives

    Is that a Fatboy arm? I just picked the same and really impressed with the table BUT not the 3D printed arm. Headshell is not straight?! Cartridge does not sit level.
  12. Stefan_DR3

    Any good media streamers coming out, or just released lately?

    It’s true that Meridian did not claim it was lossless. I attended a Meridian demo in 2016 and it was admitted at the time, but Tidal later put some misleading wording on their site. My understanding is they selectively throw some bits away for the greater good, much like HDCD, which audiophiles...
  13. Stefan_DR3

    DC Blocker

    So they still think it’s a rogue IR command that’s causing the crash? I know you’ve had a good few months run with the IR blocked but I am not convinced yet. You could uncover it now and see if it happens again, but pay close attention every time you use another remote and check if the P20...
  14. Stefan_DR3

    DC Blocker

    It came from people referring to spikes or unexpected waveforms as DC, which I have tried to refute.
  15. Stefan_DR3

    Avoiding re-amplification

    Have you considered the former top passive hybrid model, Theos?
  16. Stefan_DR3

    Apple Music Lossless Hi-Res Audio Coming Soon

    Sonos doesn’t support Hi-Res but it has always been known for streaming CD quality (actually 16/48 max) very well. The new S2 devices take this to 24/48 with the caveat that the Sonos Port introduces some sound quality compromises.
  17. Stefan_DR3

    Apple Music Lossless Hi-Res Audio Coming Soon

    According to The Computer Audiophile (blog linked earlier) Apple Music can't even stream 16/44 unmolested, so while the container used by Apple TV may be great there is something in their streaming chain that is not bit perfect.
  18. Stefan_DR3

    Apple Music Lossless Hi-Res Audio Coming Soon

    Spatial Audio is just one of the new services being offered by Apple. They also have Hi-Res Lossless and Apple TV fails to deliver that tier.
  19. Stefan_DR3

    Apple Music Lossless Hi-Res Audio Coming Soon

    It will be whatever the record labels provide which is usually 44/16, 48/24, 96/24 and sometimes 192/24. Nothing new here folks, just Apple catching up with other streaming services but with less hardware options. Yes you want to use your DAC not an Apple DAC which are limited to 24/48. The...