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  1. Thai

    Pre-Amp with Audyssey Multi-EQ XT for under $3k (new)

    A local audio shop guy told me that Denon has changed their "sound" so that Klipsch speakers will sound better when hooked up to Denon AVRs. Their old "neutral" sound is gone in the newer units. That was one thing i like about my Denon 4306. In addition, despite the 4311 having 2 more amps...
  2. Thai

    Pre-Amp with Audyssey Multi-EQ XT for under $3k (new)

    Hmm, NAD is a good one...need to see if they will upgrade it to XT32. The 80.2 sounds like a great product, but damn it, it is just a tad too tall! :(
  3. Thai

    Pre-Amp with Audyssey Multi-EQ XT for under $3k (new)

    There is a tiny problem with those Pre-Po...they are a bit too tall for my rack! And i don't want it to be outside my rack. (My Denon 4306 fits perfectly.) My other choice is just to get a Denon 4311ci, but this is an AVR, not a dedicated pre-pro. The 4311ci is also only around $1500...
  4. Thai

    Pre-Amp with Audyssey Multi-EQ XT for under $3k (new)

    Thanks guys...if anymore suggestions, then please keep it coming!!
  5. Thai

    Pre-Amp with Audyssey Multi-EQ XT for under $3k (new)

    Hey all, Give me some models that satisfy the above. Ideally, i am interested in pre-amp below $2000, but i can stretch it to $3k. This is not for the near future. So, if there is a great model that is about to come out, then please point it out too. HDMI is a must of course...
  6. Thai

    System #391 (Electromotion, Fresco, Dynamo)

    Welcome! Nice clean setup! There are always a few Sunfire multi-channel amps for sale on Audiogon and Ebay.
  7. Thai

    martin logan vantage or electromotion

    Ah nevermind...miss the point of my post again. :confused:
  8. Thai

    martin logan vantage or electromotion

    Isn't that what my post was about? :rolleyes:
  9. Thai

    martin logan vantage or electromotion

    Isn't the Vantage one of the most over-achieving ESL speakers to date? "Best bang for the buck" is relative. To someone who was looking at Summit and found the Vantage "almost as good," will say that the Vantage is the best bang for the buck.
  10. Thai

    New JBL Planar Speakers for the Car

    Not sure if things have changed since 2007, but the NXT speakers used in the FJ were more for ambience (support speakers), rather than main speakers.
  11. Thai

    New JBL Planar Speakers for the Car

    If this is what i am thinking of, then actually, JBL first debut this speaker tech in the Toyota FJ Cruiser in 2007!! The producer of the speaker is NXT. In the FJ, the headliner actually serves as a diaphragm for the two transducers. Here is an old article on NXT speakers...
  12. Thai

    Vantage vs Ethos

    Wow, very cool to hear that the Vantages can still hold against the new players! I love mine!
  13. Thai

    ML Summit X tweak for warmer tonal balance?

    Isn't that what the Sunfire amps attempt to do with their Voltage vs. Current hookup? Are there many amps out there that gives you this choice?
  14. Thai

    Best Center Channel for Vantage Speakers?

    Found this article, the STAGE matches perfectly with the Vista, which means that it should be perfect for the Vantages. Link:
  15. Thai

    System #164 (Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Grotto)

    Over the past two weeks, i have finally had the chance to really use my theater room to its max capability! Wow!! The Sunfire amp really allows me to turn up the the level of a real movie theater now without a single hiccup!! Everything just sounds so amazing!! :bowdown::music:
  16. Thai

    ML Source's & Denon

    I had my denon 4306 powering my Stage and Vantage fine for several years. Never had a problem. I did not turn up real loud, but never had any issue.
  17. Thai

    Low $ AVR + Amp or Higher $ AVR for source speakers?

    Yeah, i would also check the reviews of the AVR on line to see just how good of a processor it is. Luckily, my AVR4306 from Denon has a great, even though i have an amp now, i am still using my AVR as my processor. I would look on ebay or whatever to see if you can get a higher...
  18. Thai

    Best Center Channel for Vantage Speakers?

    According to some on here, the Stage is more acoustic similar to Vantages more than Summits. So, if you can afford it, then Stage is the way to my Stage with Vantages.
  19. Thai

    For home theater - two Dynamo's or one Grotto?

    yup..and don't forget, Grotto is, a sealed box + servo controlled is my choice over the a ported sub with no servo-controlled.
  20. Thai

    Interesting Center Channel Question...Motion 6 or Motion 4?

    jaandmel is right. Do NOT lower the Audyssey crossover. My Stage is crossed at 150 hz too. That is just the way it is...and my system sounds fabulous! I ran the Audyssey twice just to make sure that 150 Hz is is.