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  1. Thai

    DigitalCraze Internet Store?

    Hey all, I was looking on the net about the Sunfire amps when i came across this internet (NON-authorized) store: Has anyone dealt with this internet store before?? If so, then are they reliable/trustworthy?? Thanks in...
  2. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    Well, my Vantages and Stage will need to be powered by a separate amp because of their low impedance. I will still use my Denon as pre-amplifier. I prefer to have an amp to power all my speakers rather than separate it out. Oh yeah, to everyone in this thread, thank you so much for giving me...
  3. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    My needs are mostly for HT (90%).
  4. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    Hmm, interesing...i wanted new, but this option is very tempting...thanks! My Denon 4306 receiver should not have a problem with this amp, right?
  5. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    Definitely, $4k is too much. Thanks. The Rotel is definitely too tall for my rack.
  6. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    How is the Krell Showcase 5 amp??
  7. Thai

    $2500 budget...Need Amp

    Hey all, As you know, i have been holding off on an amp for my system (see signature; Vantages, Stage, Vignettes, Grotto, & Denon AVR) for a while now. However, my wife is letting me use half of my tax return for an amp...she's a wonderful woman!:) So, with $2500 budget, what is the best amp...
  8. Thai

    Vantages and a sub-woofer?

    On my Denon 4306, i can play "Pure Direct" with the sub ON...thus, 2.1 Pure Direct. And like above, i like 2.1 over 2.0. I cross my sub at 40 Hz though...and set the gain (35Hz dial) on my Vantages to +1.
  9. Thai

    The Stage has just pulled in!

    Same for room is only would be a bit too much for my small room. I FREAKING LOVE MY MLs!! I do like the Stage and Vantage combo very much.
  10. Thai

    The Stage has just pulled in! Denon AVR4306 has been powering the Stage and Vantages without breaking a sweat. It gets warm though after about 3 hours, but the internal amp(s) has been flawless. My next mod though is gonna be a Sunfire or Anthem amp if i can ever convince my wife...which could take a while!:(
  11. Thai

    Speaker Size and Placement

    Your room is big enough for towers...i would consider getting two ML Towers (Vista or Vantages). See my pics in my may not be your cup of tea, but at least gives you an idea. My room is only 16 x, it's tiny compared to yours.
  12. Thai

    Flowers and Bunnies (and my experience with Logans)

    Hmmm...that's news to me!! Someone needs to do more research before trolling!:D
  13. Thai

    MartinLogan Frescos with Denon 4306

    Well, guess why you can only select 6 or 8 would think that IF it could do 2- or 4-ohm easily, then you would be able to select it. You cannot. As for choosing between the two AVRs, different people have different needs. The 4306 and 2700 are reviewed on the same site...
  14. Thai

    MartinLogan Frescos with Denon 4306

    It's all about company policy when talking with customers. If you really want to know the truth, then look at what the owner's manual says...and for both AVRs, it's 6 and 8 ohms. Yamaha reps may be more lax in what they can tell customers. My Tweeter salesman says that Denon can easily handle...
  15. Thai

    MartinLogan Frescos with Denon 4306

    You get what you paid for. Denon is top-notch in the AVR class. If you read the reviews of both 4306 and 2700 (new one), then you will see that the 4306 is still a better receiver...more consistent results.
  16. Thai

    MartinLogan Frescos with Denon 4306

    You should be fine...the 4306 is actually a very good receiver with a good amp section. See: I am driving ML Vantages, Stage, and Vignettes with the 4306. No problems. No clipping. No overheating...amp is warm at worst after 3...
  17. Thai

    which center channel?

    From my understanding, the Stage and Theater i are very close in all depends on who is listening and who is trying to justify what they own.:D The main difference between the two is the size. The Stage can match (or exceed; doubt worst) Theater i's performance while still...
  18. Thai

    Fresco i is coming... PICTURES HERE!

    So, what's the difference besides the shape??
  19. Thai

    I'm on my way...

    Whatever sub you get, make sure that you get a servo-controlled sub.
  20. Thai

    I'm on my way...

    You can click on my signature for pics of my rack/stand.The height is ear level. The STAGE is an excellent CC...i would get it over Cinema if you can afford it. Supposedly, the STAGE provides the same (or better) excellent sound as Theater i BUT with the physical size of the Cinema.