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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. B

    Tools of the Trade

    Your chin may have moved a little enough to skew those measurements. I'd use some sort of brace to hold the instument on the chair and use the offset measurement for correction. Plus, are the walls perfectly plumb and square in the room? They can be out as far as an inch, especially in the...
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    Anybody else get the Palm Pre today?

    I'm GSM but will go to a Sprint store just to take a look at the Pre. I'm a palm fan, have a 680 and a cloned backup just in case. Bought a windows mobile 6.1 Tilt half a year ago. Smashed it to bits out of sheer frustration. Gives us a review when you can.
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    FM Tuner Update: Repaired MR78

    The repaired unit Wallah! MR78 reborn.
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    FM Tuner Update: Repaired MR78

    A few months ago I had purchased a vintage McIntosh MR78 from some F-tard in Wisconsin through Audiogon. It arrived pretty much with the front smashed up and suspect on the seller's description. Oh well, live and learn. I sent the unit to Audio Classics for repair soon after and it just came...
  5. B

    Dual JL Fathom Owners: Master & Slave or dual sub config????

    Gordon, I don't have any fancy room optimization for my subs only but I do have one slaved to the other. This is done through a paradigm outboard sub crossover. basically, what this is allowing is the first sub controlled by the paradigm for phase, x-over freq, and volume level while the second...
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    Dual subwoofer placement?

    The best configuration using two subs in my largish room so far is one against the front wall slightly inside the right speaker, the second more than 20 feet away in the left/front corner. The speakers are about five feet from the front wall and time delayed through a digital EQ to the distance...
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    A couple of ouststanding questions

    With all things subjective, Counterpoint: h(you know what) . These, on their second owner are doing better than my Vantages would be in the same circumstances. Another review: h(once...
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    soon we will be paying their credit cards

    I can't agree with the method of this rider's introduction, but why do you think I shouldn't be able to defend myself in a national park. "Oh stop, Mr. Bear. Don't eat me." or "Oh please Mr. Nut-Job, don't rape and kill me on the trail." I've had to use a handgun once to protect myself. Nobody...
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    Mss hifi

    I'm going to take this one further and say that the people who have bose and monster wire and think they're there probably are very aware of genuine high end audio. Unfortunately, most of the "high End" industry make it very complicated to separate the wheat from the chaff, so the aformentioned...
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    A couple of ouststanding questions

    Here is some insight from a person well respected and with credibility in his field of expertise. Read the section linked below and see how the subject matter relates to the ML configurations. The Orions will probably be my next set of speakers when it's time for a change...
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    Star Trek movie..

    Just what are you saying?
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    Ramblings About Dedicated Music Rooms

    I keep the dust covers on at all times and manipulate airflow in a protective pattern with window fans
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    Is High End Gear Just Getting Too Damned Expensive?
  14. B

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    As a former HD-DVD-er with burnt fingers this sounds like a good unit to switch to for blue ray BUT if you google the model, you'll come upon reviews by oppo's own beta user group where about 25% are having problems with it reading red book CD's and some other audio formats. I didn't see when...
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    A day of listening to something other than Logans.

    While still on the subject, here's a complete VMPS system with 2 of these monsters for sale:
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    A day of listening to something other than Logans.

    Yea, there was a "new larger sub" on the 'gon out of San Francisco for $250.00. Shipping would have to be large freight for over 5 bills though. How did it sound, though. Well Intergrated?
  17. B

    A day of listening to something other than Logans.

    Did your friend have the diffuser panels for the VMPS's? Did he also have a VMPS sub woofer in the system? I'd like to try out one of their subs but shipping and receiving is a hassle for me.
  18. B

    Plug speakers into wall socket or power strip or conditioner

    1) see if your dealer is running an industrial conditioner/isolator in the mains. 2) I use a surge protector for all my components. I live in lightning central (florida) and I have one wounded panamax that has earned it's purple heart.
  19. B

    Referance DEMO CDs?

    The Isoclean and the Wilson Audio reference discs have the same cuts. It would be interesting to compare the two.