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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. B

    The Prisoner

    I'm still giving the new one my bthoughts, as I am a fan of the old series from way back when. Some thoughts about the new show: References portrayed about the old show are best taken as just that, a tip of the hat to an interesting concept. (more to come, I gotta go to work)
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    Shakti Hollographs & Martin Logans ??

    Shakti Holographs work very well but you need the Magic Mushrooms to get their full effect. Get two pair and some Jimsonweed. Wow!
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    Your thoughts on the Prodigy

    It's another model I'd love to get to try out someday. I love the big "Easter Island" profile they have to them also.
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    CLS /II/IIz Shortcomings

    True MiTT, I don't think the amp is holding the speakers back for the most part but I just may have too much speaker wire. It's 26 ' of biwire, what looks like 12 Gauge on each lead. I've already used my former 14 Ga twin leads for the subs so I'll have to get some new (and cheap!) wires to see...
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    Wife suggests the "Big D"

    Wood floor would be my choice. You can always dampen it with rugs but it's not so easy to rip out a carpet just to see what the difference may be.
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    CLS /II/IIz Shortcomings

    Well gentlemen, I'm the proud new owner of Brad's old set of CLSii's. I have a half written review of them on my computer but haven't had time to finish it with this new job and all. I did listen to them at Brad's house, with his intimidating equipment and I truely liked what I heard. Sure the...
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    Life span panels

    Exchange the leads to the speakers, left for right and so on, just to double check if it is the amp or the speaker giving the trouble.
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    butler audio amps

    Not knocking tube gear here, but methinks there's an awful lot of hokey in the product copy. So, other Tube equipment doesn't make "authentic tube sound" ? What was the benchmark? Someone quit moving the goal posts please. Get a load of their tube that never needs changing. must be for looks...
  9. B

    polarity problem with ML Feature?

    It's the sound of the ghosts who died for the U.S. fighting communism.
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    Measuring Musical-Visual Intelligence

    Aw nuts, 80%. Once I got the concept it was simple, though I had to play the sample again a couple of times.
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    How wide is your sweetspot?

    6' off the side walls would be correct.
  12. B

    How wide is your sweetspot?

    I checked with my system the other night, Vantages at 9'-6" apart (coc) and 12' from the listening position. I can say that the sweet spot is a cramped 2 person sitting width before one or the other speaker becomes dominated by the other. Within the aformentioned space the sound does get biased...
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    Onkyo pro PR-SC886P

    Outlaw Audio just announced that they are a seller, for < $1700.00
  14. B

    Too many remotes on your coffee table?

    There is also this for windows mobile: Had (have) it on my siemens simpad, 'till the touchscreen went bad (age related). There's also a remote for palm phones but their ir's are too weak for any distance.
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    Food For Thought

    Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama x YahooBuzzPosted on Aug 10, 2009 By Chris Hedges The American empire has not altered under Barack Obama. It kills as brutally and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under George W. Bush. It steals from...
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    Major Speaker Re-Arangement

    Since I did some room node cut-outs with the EQ, one of the results was I could then clearly hear other anomolies with the speaker output. The worst offender was an out of phase sound were I to just move my head a few inches left or right, and seemingly odd reflections that I couldn't track...
  17. B

    Advice for new ML owner

    Go to for some used equipment. Your 600 to 900 will get you a used 1200 to 1800 when new unit in most cases. Go for dings and scratches for even more value. Many of these items for sale, especially in receivers, are from people who are upgrading to separates.
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    Connecting and additional receiver/amp

    Here's a diagram of how to.
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    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    And will you all remember this come next election, whether local, state, or national? Will you remember that the vast majority of the 2 dominant parties couldn't elbow each other out of the way fast enough to create this "stimulus"? Will you remember to think, act, and vote outside the box to...
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    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    Not many people such as you and I will see anything direct, in terms of cash or relief, of the so called stimulus trillions. Here is why: Those Trillions , which are really created make-believe-money, are to be mainly used for the banks make-believe leveraged assets. That is the sole conduit...