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  1. B

    More CLS Mayhem!

    Pictures! The photos are on the first post in my system pics, via signature link. Since last post I moved the speakers forward about 6" and put the sound panels flat against the secondary reflection area of the corner. The signal comes from the source > Preamp > then splits, one straight path...
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    More CLS Mayhem!

    When I clean the house. :ROFL:
  3. B

    More CLS Mayhem!

    Prompted by a PM and the fact that I've been thinking a lot about speaker placement, I came home from a job and got off my ass. First stop was to get som Y adapters so as I can leave the signal to the CLs's alone and fiddle with the external crossover to my heart's content. That is working out...
  4. B

    ?? OK to daisy-chain power conditioners?

    Yea, I'm getting a little mixed up here. Never mind the second half, but the isolation of the body's cable crimp does wonders on the xlr-rca cables.
  5. B

    ?? OK to daisy-chain power conditioners?

    If you are using any XLR to RCA adapter interconnects, see if the cable crimp on the XLRs are contacting the shield casing. If so, try to remediate that. Another tack would be to make sure all your RCA cables' shields are only connected to the plug on one end and have all those interconnects...
  6. B

    Cracker in concert?

    Seen them at the Lone Star and Mercury Lounge in NYC, Skippers in Tampa. Now I'm always somewhere else when they are in town which in itself is a rarity. Go! Rent a room. Drag some friends. Time is short.
  7. B

    Some ClS Observations

    After reading the above posts last night, I got up this morning and with a fresh ear redid the signal path on the rack. Source > Array preamp > Innersound amp > ClS. :eek: Yes, you guys are right, especially you C.A.P. A totally different beast that had me giggling with my morning coffee...
  8. B

    Some ClS Observations

    What factory Crossover? The CLS has a Crossover? Even if it does, I have the external crossover sending all below 60 to the subs (passive on separate amps) and above 60 going to the panels. There shouldn't be much below 60Hz coming from the panels.
  9. B


    It's pretty hard to find some passive subs these days. If your crafty you could try building some kits via Parts Express or look into some VMPS models.
  10. B

    Some ClS Observations

    I've had a few days available to pick up where I left off . . . I had bought a used pair of CLS from Brad and had only had a day and a half to set them up before a new job required my attention. At that time I related how terrible they sounded when integrated in my system that was voiced for a...
  11. B

    Updating the old - Do you want to?

    I figure for 1500 bucks I might get the latest and greatest panel tech with the replacement panels for my CLSII's. :think:
  12. B

    Punctured Membrane

    The small hole you described should not effect the panel's performance at all. ML even states so in their manuals. DO NOT apply substance in an aromatic solution such as nail polish as that will disintegrate the polymer substrate (plastic) membrane. your true issue here is the "static...
  13. B

    It's Kinda Sad

    Aye, there's the crux. No explanation was given at the time when the post had vanished. I do not question the reason of the deletion, nor the right of the site owner to delete a post, as a matter of fact had inferred as to why it had vanished. But at the same time I beleive that a notification...
  14. B

    It's Kinda Sad

    Tom, I appreciate all you do here and have some inkling of an idea of the responsibilities attached with running a forum. The thread had value to all who posted, heated or not. Shouldn't they be given the value of notification of a thread being nuked?
  15. B

    It's Kinda Sad

    It's kinda sad that the security state mentality has permeated just about every facet of life, that information and opinion just disappear without notice or explanation, that intellegent adults are perceived as needing to be protected by some authority rather than solve the problem themselves...
  16. B

    PETA ....way off it's 'rocker' !!

    Sounds like you all kill the Sea Kittens too.
  17. B

    What musical performer?

    Every year I fantasize about making it to the CVB Annual Camp-Out in Pioneertown. Three days of (insert style here) music for music's sake. I'd like to see "Low" live sometime too. And get to hear/see live Gamelan.
  18. B

    Speaker choice and placement advice - screenshots attached

    In my usual humble opinion, you're going to have to soften that room up big time, much like the board member ( sorry I forgot the name) that did up his whole room with home made panels. Walk around the room and clap your hands at various positions, high, low, etc. If any echo, and there will be...
  19. B

    Are you an audiophile?

    I don't know, you tell me. I really don't care what my equipment looks like, i.e. if it matches, the wires are hidden, or aesthetically pleasing with the decor. But I will fiddle with it for hours. I can't talk shop because I don't have the means to purchase enough change-out equipment to do...
  20. B

    Subwoofer amp match for JL 12W7

    Outlaw has a sale on their monoblocks, which is what I am using for my sub.