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  1. B

    Considering McIntosh Amps -Opinions?

    PS? Power Supply? All this warning against, why would McIntosh design it to do such?
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    Considering McIntosh Amps -Opinions?

    Why (not)? Explain please.
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    Considering McIntosh Amps -Opinions?

    Oogle it, touch it, plug it in and watch the pretty lights. OK, maybe I mean get a 402 and later another 402 and use them then as monoblocks.
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    Considering McIntosh Amps -Opinions?

    I just bought a used Mac FM tuner, which got me thinking about their amps. Since I'm currently running Vantages with an Innersound 300 (300W @ 8 ohm, 600 @ 4, etc.), I would be looking at used or demo MC402, a pair of 402's in mono, or 501's. What has been your experience with these amps, what...
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    Panel Height

    Every system and every room is different but a good place to start is - If you want to dampen the reflection from the speaker panels, center the sound panels directly where the speaker panel would geometrically project on the front wall, angle of speaker panel included. If bass is the issue...
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    Vintage FM Tuners

    I too have one of those Sony's in my system. I bought it just to compare it with a highly modded SAE I had bought shortly before. Yes, the sony does alright but is no revalation to the aforementioned SAE and that tuner does better on the weaker stations. The sound on the Sony is almost the same...
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    Do-it-yourself- Tube Amps?

    Here's my thoughts. Though I may be way off base but after going through some DIY magazines it looks like that outfit is charging about 3 grand for some very good instructions.
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    Should I even bother getting ML speakers?

    If you're that worried about width and spacing, spend about $325 for a Behringer DEQ2496 for the left and right mains. PM me if you do for some wiring tips.
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    SL3 replaced red led with blue led

    It's like Deja Vu, all over again.
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    An Experiment With My Panels

    P.S.: When using fiberglass insulation as panel material, you may want to open the package up and let it air for a week. Insulation can (and did on mine) release a gas that is part of the manufacturing process. Yes, it is the very same smell caused by trimethyl amine, that brings forth ye old...
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    An Experiment With My Panels

    No pictures here yet, as I've been on the road for the last two months, but . . . My homemade panels are the same as Burke's, same Armstong fiberglass ceiling tiles stripped of their face in metal stud frames. Two slight differences though, are I used the rubber mesh used to line toolboxes for...
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    Crazy crazy crazy

    *sigh* The whole power cord thing. If someone can prove to me how a grand worth of wire can improve upon the friction connections at either end then I'll be less skeptical. But really, it's right up there with the wavey hatrack thingy.
  13. B

    VanDenHul Carbon Interconnects?

    Never had them, never heard them, but if high resistance and high price is your bag, go for it.
  14. B

    Call Me Crazy, But Using Tape Outputs For Subwoofer

    More Sub-Magic Well, the sub is still connected via the tape output setup as described above. What I have since done is place it in the right front corner with the DIY phase switch in reverse ( this is just a double-pole/double-throw switch connected between the sub's speaker terminals (post...
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    Spire placement question

    I have a somewhat large L-shaped room (Bad) and a Behringer DEQ-2496 processor (good) in my system. Current positioning is: Speakers about 7 feet from front wall and 13 feet apart center to center. This places the right speaker 2-1/2 feet from the right wall and the left speaker 11 feet from the...
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    Call me crazy but they (magic dots) work!

    Well you're pretty dull, huh? ;)
  17. B

    Call Me Crazy, But Using Tape Outputs For Subwoofer

    Here's one for you all - - Had a few days r&r at home, so I decided to hook up the frankenstein sub again to see what it would do in the now larger environment. By the book setup is Preamp out into Paridigm Sub Controler/ high bypass out of PSC to Behringer DEQ [then out to main amp], low output...
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    Call me crazy but they (magic dots) work!

    If it still exists, and still have floor models, Tweeter on Mill Plain Road in Danbury might have a pair.
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    Call me crazy but they (magic dots) work!

    "If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup."
  20. B

    McCain and Obama

    It was a link on a link I can't remember now, but here is the paper I believe was used: Plus we're not talking percentage of total votes cast but percentage change (increase) in the number of votes cast for the party...