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  1. B

    Is a New Vignette Coming?

    i'm sure there is. There is also a new replacement for the cinema i and script i coming. ML is revamping the whole line except for the subs, stage, and floor standing ESL line.
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    Could this be the Holy Grail of A/V processors?

    That looks ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. That being said, I wish it was black.
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    By The Numbers - Why the HD DVD/Blu-Ray War Is Over.

    Blu-ray is definitely a more marketable name. The other day the Toshiba rep came into my store and talked to me about the format war. He's a great guy and probably my favorite rep to talk to, but I'm just disappointed to see HD-DVD doing so bad. Its mostly due to horrible marketing. They took 10...
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    New Vistas - Very Exciting !

    i second getting the stage! i hope you enjoy those vistas. i'm still trying to decide on whether to get the vistas or vantages myself!
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    System #197 (Vantage)

    FatJ, I'd wait until Novemberish when Pioneer is supposed to release another 1080p model and Sony is supposed to release their new XBR. Both great TV's, good luck.
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    7.1 Surround Setup Question/Advice

    You have a very nice set up, but what kind of pre/pro or a/v reciever are you running this off of? This is important as some can help automatically calibrate the speakers to the acoustics of the room. That being said, I also think your surround back speakers are too far away, and would benefit...
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    Grotto Vs Depth Question

    hmm.. that is very very good to know. i imagine the sound of the descent i is a lot better, but am still wondering if it'd be overkill for a room that is going to be about 13 by 17 feet.. would even a depth or depth i be overkill? money isn't really an issue as much as overall sound quality and...
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    Grotto Vs Depth Question

    I have a question. I heard that the Depth, although it has 3 8" woofers, only one is active and the other two are passive. I was also told by the same person (Magnolia) that the Descent's woofers are ALL active. I thought the Depth had all three active as well. Which is the case?
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    Got a Sony BDP-S300 Blu-ray player and it is awesome!

    yeah! you aren't missing much, i mean the 5 movies that it comes with aren't anything of my personal preference.. its 2 pirates of the carribean movies, fantastic four, crash, and the transporter. maybe i am biased as i enjoy the movies coming out on hd-dvd a lot more..
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    Opinions on Summits vs Vantages?

    This doesn't exactly apply to the thread but.. So you guys believe Vantages are a much better value than the Vistas because of the powered woofer? I was considering getting Vistas but now am more considering the Vantages (haven't heard enough of both to really decide). I want a speaker that is...
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    Got a Sony BDP-S300 Blu-ray player and it is awesome!

    I actually work at best buy (hehe) and we haven't gotten the bdp-s300 yet, but we did get that new panasonic. The Panasonic is supposed to upscale regular dvd's really well, just as good as the Toshiba XA2.. but we don't carry the XA2 so i can't do an a/b comparison. I plugged up the Panasonic...
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    New guy, hard decision

    he probably means $1200 ea. if $2000 per speaker is your budget, i'd go with vistas. if $2000 total is your budget, show me wherer you saw those prodigys and clarities :P
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    Tweeter to close a third of it's stores!

    just want to say that i am sad the tweeter closest to me (newport beach, ca) closed down it was the only tweeter i knew of, and their presentation of ML speakers was excellent. one room with vistas and vantages hooked up to krell.. and another room for HT with summits n a stage, descent and...
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    Martin Logan Center Channel- Two Questions

    how does the stage compare to the theater or theater i?
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    Help! Starting from scratch- new system

    that room is huge.. but it raises a question. how are martin logans with hip hop? are they good for that application?
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    Ascent i with Fresco?

    randall, i was in a magnolia store about a month ago listening to some vistas and a cinema (which is what i hope to buy for my HT system) and they had frescos for the rear in a 5.1 setup. Because of the design of the room, the frescos were positioned horizontally (like a center channel) instead...
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    What are these?

    i figured if i asked here, i'd get a good answer.. i was browsing on yahoo! japan auctions today and saw an auction for this, does anyone know exactly what it is? here's a link to the actual auction...
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    Which ML

    okay so i went back to the first store (best buy) to listen to the clarity's again.. this time with my own music cd to play on them and i was A LOT more impressed. i will seek out a store in the southern california area that carries scripts to see how they sound. i love how these clarity's...
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    Which ML

    Ahh thats what i was suspecting. It only make sense, like you said. I will try to check out some aerius in person and see how they sound, right now I'm not too crazy about floor standing speakers, but I'm trying to keep my mind open to different ideas. The reason i was raising this question was...
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    Which ML

    I am not extremely worried about the bass, it is the only thing I am really willing to sacrifice. The sound of the clarity's was just not as open as the other floorstanding models, the guy at tweeter told me it was because the panel in the vantage and summit was far more rigid, he also said the...