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  1. Andrew Pratt

    ML 5.1 system - help

    Are you set on using in-ceiling speakers for the fronts? You would get better sound from using in-walls at least up front. In-ceiling do great for rear surrounds but can be more difficult to make work for the front as the audio tends not to sync with where the video is. As far the sub goes...
  2. Andrew Pratt

    Which audio format would you most like to see new material come out in the future?

    I voted digital download as well. My whole collection is stored and accessed digitally so I'd prefer efforts were spent improving sound quality there. The other thing I've really noticed is that the medium is less important then the recording...meaning I've got some low bit rate MP3's that are...
  3. Andrew Pratt

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Why didn't someone warn me about the many late nights? I haven't been able to stop listening since I got them and my dog tired now :D
  4. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    I have been doing some reading in there...and getting mixed messaging on diffusion vs absorption behind the ESL's. I figure i'll try both and see which if any make a big enough difference to warrant mitigating the WAF factors involved with either option :D
  5. Andrew Pratt

    Which subwoofer with ML Vantage or Magnepan 1.7

    How large is your room and what placement options do you have for the sub? A properly calibrate sub shouldn't overwhelm any speaker so long as its placed in an optimal place (or at least not a bad location). Most sound quality issues with subwoofers come from their interaction with the room and...
  6. Andrew Pratt

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    That and a sub 10K post count ;)
  7. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    There's still some work to be done...I have a ML center coming any day now so that will sit nicely on the floating shelf and I'm considering adding some acoustic wall treatments behind the ESL's as they are only 24" out from the front wall. I'm also switching out the Harmony 880 and Xantech to...
  8. Andrew Pratt

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Thanks Jerry...not sure I can live up to that billing though :eek:
  9. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    New house Jerry. We moved in here last july and its been a welcome upgrade in living space and neighbourhood. Its an interesting house as its a good sized 4 level split with this level being level 3 (half height basement) so we've got much larger windows here which makes things much more open...
  10. Andrew Pratt

    Introducing: MartinLogan Ethos

    They look fantastic!
  11. Andrew Pratt

    New ride 3

    Very nice indeed.
  12. Andrew Pratt

    Hello from Winnipeg, Mb

    Hello. I've just signed up having finally purchased a pair of dealer demo Aerius i's with new stat panels installed (they've got ClearSpar etc). I've long lusted after Logan's having heard them at a dealer's but for a variety of reasons wasn't able to make that dream come true till recently when...
  13. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    Its plus 26C at the moment...hardly winterpeg ;)
  14. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    Do a refresh...i posted better pics this morning that were taken in better light then the one's I originally posted
  15. Andrew Pratt

    System #355 (Aerius i)

    Member Name: Andrew Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada Speakers(s): - Aerius i's with 2 year old upgraded panels (they have ClearSpars etc) - MartinLogan Encore center. - Rear speakers are simple in-ceiling's and the subwoofer is a DIY model I built around a 15" Adire Tumult XBL driver and 500...
  16. Andrew Pratt

    A new addition

    I am immensely jealous :eek:
  17. Andrew Pratt

    First Logan experience

    I'm a bit of a Top Gear addict ;)
  18. Andrew Pratt

    First Logan experience

    Might as well make this my first post here. Back around 98 or 99 when I was really just setting up my first home theater system I happened to walk into a small audio store that was setting up a demo with two large ML's and a pair of Paradigm Servo 15's running of separates (can't recall what...