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  1. asindc

    New member -

    Welcome, Aldo!
  2. asindc

    Upgrade from my Ascents?

    I upgraded from Ascent-i to Vantage in my 11 x 19 room. I've since upgraded to Spire. In your size room, however, I would at least go to Spire, which go for $4200-4700 used, or patiently wait for a fire sale on Montis. You might find Summit (not Summit-X) for under $5K, but I prefer the newer...
  3. asindc

    Do power cords matter?

    I have found that PCs made a difference for me only after I had sufficiently upgrade my power grid elsewhere first. If you start with the MLs first you won't hear much difference at all as opposed to starting with dedicated lines, then upgraded recepticles, then power conditioner with upgraded...
  4. asindc

    Cary longer producing CD / SACD players

    Well, I'm obviously late to this discussion, but to answer Timm's question, yes, the DAC section in my Cary 306 SACD Pro sounds every bit as good as spinning discs in it does. In fact, some hi rez downloads sound better than their SACD counterparts. Now that I have a vinyl and computer setups...
  5. asindc

    Magico vs Logan………..

    I love vocals, and I have not found any box speaker that can match electrostats for vocals. Granted I haven't heard any $50K+ speakers properly set up, but nothing close to the CLX/Summit X/Montis price range can touch them, Maggies, or any other planar speaker in that range.
  6. asindc

    Who has heard Magico and what can you tell me about them?

    At the risk of adding more to your decision-making process, I think it might be worthwhile for you to consider these Joseph Audio Pulsar bookshelfs if space is a consideration: I think Fremer's review is spot on. I heard these...
  7. asindc

    Who has heard Magico and what can you tell me about them?

    I haven't heard either the 05/805 or 05/211 combo with MLs, but I have heard them with other speakers. I found the presentations very pleasing, to the point I could easily live with either, and I'm not a tube amp fan by any stretch.
  8. asindc

    What is the sonic difference between the Summit and the Summit X?

    Rich, do tell. Joey, FWIW, my buddy has CLXs in a 16 x 22 room with ARC and Pass gear. Sounds wonderful.
  9. asindc

    Why no Parasound amps?

    I had the A21 in my system a few years back before going to the JC1s. Based on what I've heard since I've gotten the JC1s, I'd have to go well above $15K to make the upgrade worthwhile. I loved the A21, but the JC1s are hall of fame performers. There is a reason why Parasound still has them...
  10. asindc

    New to Martin Logan - Just bought some items

    Welcome, Patrick! First of all, congrats on the Montis. That is a steal! Secondly, if you are a movie buff, buy the best center channel you can, preferably one in the same generation as the Montis, though not necessary. If you have no experience with a center channel, you might be surprised...
  11. asindc

    Dynamat inside ML woofer cabinets?

    Gordon, Yes. Love the Cary. I actually got the idea about Dynamat from another Cary 306 SACD Pro owner, who posted his results here: He also used it on his...
  12. asindc

    Dynamat inside ML woofer cabinets?

    Gordon, Where did you find Road Kill?
  13. asindc

    Dynamat inside ML woofer cabinets?

    Thanks all for the replies.
  14. asindc

    Dynamat inside ML woofer cabinets?

    Has anyone done this? I'm considering lining my Spires with Dynamat (or a more suitable alternative, if such exists).
  15. asindc

    Power Cords for Montis

    Udo, In my experience, putting WW PCs on my Vantages did make a difference, but the biggest bang for the buck came only after I had upgraded the PCs on my other components first. The effects were minimal when I started with the speakers first (It tried it just out of curiosity). I can't speak...
  16. asindc

    System #57 (Ascent i, Theater i, Descent, Script i)

    Nice, clean setup, Robin! I used to have the 49TXi but sold it. Sometimes I wish I still had it.
  17. asindc

    Paul Ryan

    The "full increase" on $260,000 will be an increase on the $10,000 over $250,000, not on the entire $260,000. As Warren Buffett says, there's a class warfare alright, and his class waged the war and is winning it.
  18. asindc

    Paul Ryan

    Meanwhile, rich people are saying "tax us already!":
  19. asindc

    Paul Ryan

    I live just inside the Beltway in PG County. PM your phone number.