Kevin, appreciate the clarification you provided. It had looked to me like you were criticizing President Obama while crediting a virtuous (ha!) Congress for the same action.
I will undertake additional research on this topic. In the meantime, some Suggested reading might include (for...
Well, it may surprise you, but The President of The United States actually has a number of powers reserved to the Executive Branch (I think you mention "checks and balances") that members of Congress do not enjoy. Remember all those "Executive Orders" put forward by Bush? Or those "signing...
Typical tea party talking point. Not relevant.
Huh? Leader of what, exactly? One can't be a leader if they choose to act in an irresponsible manner. He is in all this only for himself, and has deluded himself into thinking he is going to be President. Guess what -- NOT gonna happen...
Here's the Great Compromise -- courtesy of nationally syndicated commentator Dave Ross:
"But there's a better way to handle this. We know who absolutely cannot abide Obamacare - it's the districts that elected Tea Party representatives to the House. It's a relatively small area - Northern Utah...
I am appalled at the gross irresponsibility of the Republican Party, especially at allowing this small "tea party" group to control them, the House of Representatives and pretty much the entire Country. Ted Cruz is a ridiculous twit -- Sam Rayburn or Tip O'Neill would have quickly removed his...
You got that right. 'Course, I'm just a transplant, so it don't matter too much to me.
Now, if you wanna talk Oklahoma / Oklahoma State football, well, that's a whole different matter.
In any case, enjoy your very nice ride!
Totally agree! And that Steve guy sure knows how to accessorize his Cayman!
BTW, have you all ever listened to the George Jones hit, "The One I Loved Back Then"?
Sorta fits...
I agree with ^ Greg. Really nice with the iPhone remote app. Easy-Peasy stuff -- even for me. Definitely noticed a very nice jump in AQ. The 06 is a pretty special unit, at least to me.
Wow! You guys are so discerning. Bill Maher, John Stewert especially, and Colbert as well.
Certainly Boardwalk Empire, and MASH, among those already mentioned.
As the premier sitcom, it's Frasier hands-down. Terrific cast and great writers.