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    Re-Kindle the flames ?????

    hey Twith54 didn't you order yourself a new cartridge? do you have it yet?


    don't get me wrong I am going to see it! I will for sure sneak my usual moderately sized bottle of kettle one into the theater and enjoy with a tall mountain dew and box of over salted and buttered stale popcorn, yum lol


    BTW I could care less how good the special effects are if the story blows I will not enjoy the movie period.


    people just are not impressed unless they suffer ear damage Bernard. I often cut an earplug in half and shove half in each ear this lowers the volume to a reasonable level.

    What Was Your Best Upgrade In 2009?

    thanks big boy. BTW that rack is also bolted to the wall to keep it super steady I shot the picture before I did that.

    What did Santa bring YOU ?

    I get this every year :(


    it looks like it could be bad in my opinion. I am not a huge CGI fan only in certain instances is it a good thing.this movie looks like it could be churned out crap made for the masses with an expected % return sort of like the later starwars movies. I have loved James Camerons movies in the...

    Any Planned Upgrades For 2010?

    does the word upgrade really mean anything to you anymore?

    What Was Your Best Upgrade In 2009?

    c2300 mc275 vpi classic I built a stand alone analog system and got my music away from all those microprocessors ;) once again I must recommend Shawn at DaVinci Media what a pleasure to deal with he allowed me and my father to audition the modest mc275 against his mc2301 monster mono...
  10. FISH_MAN

    Spires are hard to beat!

    the CLX is better but it's bigger and the room you need for it to sound good is bigger still and if you like a lot of bass well get ready for even more equipment.I was right on the edge of upgrading my vantages to summits but just was not sure but then logan came out with the spires right before...
  11. FISH_MAN

    Sim I7 / Spire update

    after all that ? you are gonna stick with the spires.
  12. FISH_MAN

    Re-Kindle the flames ?????

    this is true
  13. FISH_MAN

    Re-Kindle the flames ?????

    you know JonFo I will not argue with your knowledge but as a matter of personal taste I would not let that Audyssey technology anywhere near the signal that comes from my analog gear no matter what the charts say. and BTW I will would have to say that a large portion of the material being...
  14. FISH_MAN

    Re-Kindle the flames ?????

    like I said they do something to it after the recording too mess it all up
  15. FISH_MAN

    Re-Kindle the flames ?????

    I really think the argument around hear is whether our digital players and cd's are as good or better than the records not weather the original recording is better done digitally or analog. I have records that sound unbelievable that where digitally remastered but take the same re mastered...
  16. FISH_MAN

    jawbone prime

    ok guys and gals I had one of their older models and really wished it had worked out but it was not great so what I am wondering is if this new one the prime is any better? I really need a lightweight headset for work and really do not trust many of the reviewers online and was wondering what...
  17. FISH_MAN

    Wood Floors...?

    I have heard my Logans on wood floors and they sounded really nice to me even better than carpet. I think it kind of depends on how high your ceilings are and stuff like that.
  18. FISH_MAN

    high output/low output cartridges

    thanks I ordered a delos I believe it will replace the argo I
  19. FISH_MAN

    The Really Tasty Gear Thread - With Pictures!

    lol I think this thread has went more two channel and when that happens new and computerized gets pushed of to the wayside.lets see some tasty HT gear, and yes we have all already seen your HT room :)
  20. FISH_MAN

    high output/low output cartridges

    yeah you can have both I do and I like it that way. I should with any luck have the new cartridge in a couple of weeks I will let you know then. there was a good difference between my $80 dollar cartridge and the Ortofon bronze for sure I think if you have a good table and speakers you owe it...