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  1. I

    Ml Sub Sealed--pics!

    Haha, it's called a "flush trim" bit...go figure, right? It has a bearing that runs along the edge of the surface below the veneer...and the blade trims flush to that wheel/bearing. you can get them from lowes, etc. :D
  2. I

    Moment of Truth part deux (part 2)!!

    Oooh, but then if you center're sitting right on the crack when you're in the sweet spot...gotta get a 1 or 3 cushion sofa for that! Or maybe she can just sit on his lap in the chair!
  3. I

    Moment of Truth part deux (part 2)!!

    Agreed...especially if you have good light control. I don't (cause I've been lazy about putting good blinds in) and I still love the projector (and it's an old crappy one to boot) You can get a damn nice projector for $1k these days. Then the chair is great for music listening AND movie watching!
  4. I

    40th Anniversary BW Signature Diamond! Wow or Ow?

    Ooooh....we're supposed to LISTEN to them! I see! I thought they were a piece of medical equipment of some kind.... :eek:
  5. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    I think a lot of us have... I know I felt like a red-headed stepchild for a while :) Now I just post more technical stuff to get attention. (It's my form of a tantrum!) Different venues definitely impart different sound...and an accurate reproduction would ideally recreate the environment as...
  6. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Any distortion that's added by a speaker or amplifier/component, etc. isn't part of the original recording....because if it was, it'd be part of the F1, not a higher order fundamental. I think the only reason "even order" tends to sound better, is that F2 is generally the only even order we...
  7. I

    Ml Sub Sealed--pics!

    There's a router bit for just that purpose. After that, take some fairly high grit sand paper and sand it down to flush.
  8. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Good to know they use nice drivers in their equipment, huh?
  9. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Measurements do tell you a lot about how a driver will sound. It may not be the final word on it...but there are a lot of measurements that aren't just frequency response measurements. For example, a CSD graph will give you an idea of how "fast" a driver's transient response is. Higher harmonic...
  10. I

    Ml Sub Sealed--pics!

    Very nice! I think it's beautiful! I'm certainly very happy with the stain job that I got on the cherry, but rub the veneer with some mineral spirits (to clean it) and look at the color you get out of's gorgeous in it's own right. It'll be quite hard to stain "match," though you can...
  11. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Ok, well that's where I consider myself, so I'm happy to agree :D Though, you have the varying ranges of DIYers...those who have $200 to spend and want something decent, and those who have $5000 to spend and want something unbelievable. I started as the first, but as funds allow, will develop...
  12. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    I agree, both that we can't (or don't usually) fully measure things to the point where it can explain subjective impressions...and also that I'm loathe to leave things that don't measure well the way they are...but I've been known to overrule my measurements with my ears from time to time, if I...
  13. I

    Moment of Truth part deux (part 2)!!

    You can get some for your friends to enjoy as well!!! And LOOK, no head cushion to reflect the sound!
  14. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Agreed. Measurements have their place, but are not the end-all by any means. SET amps measure horribly in some ways, but very very well in others...for example, they have high overall distortion (tubes do in general, for the most part) but most of that is even order, which is much more pleasing...
  15. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    I think that you're grouping that into 2 extremes, and not everyone falls into that. You also have the middle set, who wants to build things themselves because of the value get the best possible speaker for the money...because we value the time dedicated to a hobby as free...
  16. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    Yeah, I'm drooling all over that one. Maybe that'll be my birthday present to myself ;) I eventually want to build a line array with them...THAT would be sick.
  17. I

    40th Anniversary BW Signature Diamond! Wow or Ow?

    Perhaps. It's hard to tell without measurements of the woofer and tweeter. I don't doubt it sounds good...I just doubt that it sounds as good as other, much cheaper designs could....nor do I think that it would sound as good as a 3 way using a smaller midrange and a larger woofer...but here I...
  18. I

    Moment of Truth part deux (part 2)!! There's one for you. It even folds up to get out of your way for easy storage! It's stylish too!
  19. I

    Ego in high end audio...cont.

    What I love looking at is which speakers perform up to the hype (and you're paying for the performance) and which ones are all hype. One of my favorite tests to analyze is - with the test results shown on the "Comparison application" link. The $525 driver in...
  20. I

    Moment of Truth part deux (part 2)!!

    Sorry to hijack! I'll start a new thread to continue the ego/measurement/etc. topic. Get the chair, Joey!!!!! Another thing, once you get the 37" screen, you'll want a 42, then a 50, etc. Once you get the...