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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. V

    ML & digital amps.

    I am planning to use the back surround channels on the Sunfire 7-channel amp to vertically bi-amp the Aeon i. I am not sure if it will make a big difference.
  2. V

    ML & digital amps.

    Finally decided to go with Sunfire Cinema Grand 200 Seven to go with Aeon i, Theater i & Fresco. Waiting for the speakers as well as amp to be delivered next week. Hope Sunfire is enough for this setup.
  3. V

    Amp for ML

    Hi Guys! I am currently looking at different amps to go with Clarity/Theater i/Fresco. The amps I am looking at are Sunfire Cinema Grand Series II, Theta Intrepid & Linn 5125. Which one of these do you think will be better sonically as well as be able to handle the load? I do have a sub & will...
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    ML & digital amps.

    I have Citation 5.1 sitting idle. I am contemplating running front channel ML's with it & I am guessing it will handle ML's fine as it is a very underrated amp. Meanwhile thanks for the suggestions.
  5. V

    Any NuForce Amp users?

    Hi Roberto! Do you have any suggestions for digital or switching amps that can handle ML's. Vinod.
  6. V

    ML & digital amps.

    Hi Guys! Can Class-D or any switch mode power supply amps handle ML's? Because of limitation of rack space I am looking for an amp that is compact & runs cool yet is able to handle tough loads. Also any suggestions for cool running solid state is also appreciated. Vinod.
  7. V

    ML speakers for front

    Are there any cooling fans that are quiet which I can place on top of the amp & which are no taller than an inch & can run on a 12v trigger from the preamp?
  8. V

    ML speakers for front

    I am looking at Clarity with Theater i. By digital I mean Class-D or with switching power supply which is more efficient & generates less heat.
  9. V

    ML speakers for front

    Has anybody tried digital amps with ML speakers? I currently have Gemstone amp but because of its size & rack space I am having some issues with the heat therefore I am looking for an amp with smaller form factor which is more efficient. How are Sunfire amps with ML's.
  10. V

    ML speakers for front

    I think I will go with Aeon i instead of Clarity as the price difference is not huge & I am hoping that Aeon i is a good step up from Clarity. I don't want to regret my decision later & get stuck with Clarity & start thinking what if I would have gone up to Aeon i.
  11. V

    ML speakers for front

    Hi Guys! Thanks. When is the Stage coming out? I would love to get Ascent i but my budget forces me to stick to Aeon i or Clarity.
  12. V

    ML speakers for front

    My dealer did tell me that the performance between Aeon i & Clarity is close & that Clarity is more easy to place in a room than Aeon i. In any case I am going to bring Clarity & Theater i home this weekend & demo them. Ofcourse my main concern is Theater i with regards to its off-axis...
  13. V

    ML speakers for front

    My main reason for buying new from a dealer is he is giving me good trade-in value for Aerials. I have settled on Theater i as the center channel but I am debating weather to go with Aeon i or Clarity in the front. Any help is appreciated.
  14. V

    ML speakers for front

    Hi Guys! New to this forum. I just purchased Fresco's for surrounds to go with my Aerials (Model 6 & CC3B) in the front & surprisingly they blend very well & are more spacious sounding. Now I am intrigued by ML speakers & planning to upgrade the fronts. What are my options as I don't want to...