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  1. L

    Any good media streamers coming out, or just released lately?

    My gosh, there are so many choices among DACs. I am kind of surprised there is not a magazine published called something like "DAC Enthusiast" or DACs-R-Us. Very confusing. As a simple provincial lad, I will probably go the "do everything" route, as a number of you have mentioned. Again, I...
  2. L

    Any good media streamers coming out, or just released lately?

    Appreciate all the thoughts and advice. Researching these now. Maybe one can get by with a good ripper and a great DAC? Confusing now, but pretty sure clarity will come soon enough. Thanks again..and keep the recommendations coming. Will be enjoying the research (I think). I know I have...
  3. L

    Any good media streamers coming out, or just released lately?

    Thanks, Peter -- I'll take a look. In such a setup, would there be any recommendations for an excellent DAC? I'm ok with fairly large price range, say $300 -- $5,000.
  4. L

    Any good media streamers coming out, or just released lately?

    Love this thread! Must confess to much of this being a bit confusing to me. I am basically interested in a music server, I guess. If the device incorporates streaming, that's great. However, I want a device that has a great quality ripper (a must-have), that is very easy and intuitive to...
  5. L

    Exact Differences between Summit & Summit X?

    Right. I was merely mentioning that they could be bi wired in response to an earlier post. FWIW, I have not found the need to bi wire mine.
  6. L

    Exact Differences between Summit & Summit X?

    Well, my Summits can be bi-wired. Says so right in the manual.
  7. L

    Anybody using a Salamander Archetype audio rack?

    Just saw this post. I use the Salamander Archetype system (on casters) and am very happy with it. I double up home theater with music listening, so I have three sets of four shelves placed under the wall-mounted OLED TV. Glad I went with the casters. Seems to work quite well for me.
  8. L

    The DON / redux

    Nice play on words, Gordon. :D
  9. L

    The Positive Hillary/Donald Thread

    Although some would say he needs little help in this regard. I think you may well be right.
  10. L

    The DON / redux

    I thought the so-called "Tea Party" folks had staked out the "True Conservatives" territory (at least in their minds). Are these folks not front and center supporting The Donald? Also, I certainly hope you are not suggesting the race relations were pretty much OK until President Obama showed...
  11. L

    The Positive Hillary/Donald Thread

    Dang, Timm -- I (mostly) agree with you regarding the above. Couple of thoughts (just thinking out loud): 1. How is it that we are so screwed up (as a Country) that we seem to have lost control of welfare payments? While I certainly support welfare for our citizens, I can readily understand...
  12. L


    Thanks, Rich. I think Sonos is probably where we're headed on this project. I know it is something with which he is comfortable. And, I figured I'd better post something here since Dave has banned me from those other threads, at least temporarily...:D;)
  13. L

    The Positive Hillary/Donald Thread

    Nice. In my family growing up, this line was used by my parents in their attempts to raise decent kids. My rather brilliant sister added this tag line: "...And, boy -- can I keep quiet about some people!" Just a thought.
  14. L


    Question for you folks who know a lot more than I do about this type of stuff. I am looking for a very flexible house system for my son that has some decent quality and is very easy to use. SONOS is one thought. Of course there are others. Now I am seeing this...
  15. L

    The DON / redux

    I am appreciative of you intense interests in my posting habits. In short, the answer is 'Yes." In fact, the vast majority of my posts are "audio-related." Although I confess to posting on April 29th of this year a congratulatory comment about Villanova's National Championship Basketball...
  16. L

    The DON / redux

    ARen't you all glad I'm back?
  17. L

    The DON / redux

    Compared to...the last republican administration? Let's see...Started out with The Supremes installing G. Bush by disallowing an accurate vote count in Florida, in one of the most bizarre ruling ever, pretty much ending any respect for the Court. Followed by a VERY unpopular start, with his...
  18. L

    The DON / redux

    And let us not forget his infamous line about "punishing" women...
  19. L

    The DON / redux

    OK, I'll bite. Who the heck is "Bam Bam"?