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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. ralflar

    Power line equipment - types and options

    MA, 1) If you intend to use after market power cords better wall receptacles may help. Those cords are stiff and heavy and tend to pull and twist, often resulting in a poorer electrical connection than that achieved with lighter and more flexible OEM cords. A good receptacle will have a tighter...
  2. ralflar

    Vantage: Quality and reliability - What have you experienced?

    Fortunately I have had zero issues with my Vantages since I bought them last December. I live in an apartment where voltage varies between 116V and 125V, and toroidal transformers have a tendency to hum - IOW, not the cleanest AC. The Vantages do run off Belkin PF 60s; however I do not believe...
  3. ralflar

    System #137 (Vantage)

    One more pic. It shows, from bottom to top, the Emotiva RPA-1 2 channel amplifier, the DMC-1 pre/pro, the RSP-1 2 channel pre-amp, the CIAudio PLC-1 passive pre and its DAC and headphone amp siblings with their power supplies, Arcam and Squeezebox on top shelf. The RSP is nice but I prefer the...
  4. ralflar

    System #137 (Vantage)

    Another photo. Left foreground shows my pitiful excuse for an HT system. 5.0 of the 7.1 channels are provided by the Polk SurroundBar which you can see here. The Depth-i adds 0.1, the 2 surround back speakers are not shown here. Considering that the 5.0 speaker part is so poor I was expecting...
  5. ralflar

    System #137 (Vantage)

    Pics taken. Sorry this first one is fuzzy. Exposure time was about 2 seconds due to low ambient light. I don't have a tripod and there is only so much an image stabilizer can do. I posting it anyway to show the blue light displays. The LEDs can be dimmed further on the Emotiva components. Re...
  6. ralflar

    Cardas Neutral Reference Speaker Cables As Power Cords

    Are those speaker cables certified for 120V AC? Unless you know that for sure you could be playing with fire.
  7. ralflar

    "Blu-ray's Dirty Little Secret"

    Not certain is this is still news or not: you may be able to get movies that are Blu-ray-only in the US on HD-DVD in Europe.
  8. ralflar

    Nordost speaker cables--time to upgrade?

    Just curious Did anyone except Dan really compare Kimbers, Mapleshades, Nordosts, or what-have-yous with decent plain speaker wire a la Belden 10gauge? As in: within the same hour using the same components playing the same music and taking notes of listening impressions, swapping cables several...
  9. ralflar

    Slim Device - Transporter

    DC, summer will be over soon, and so, hopefully, your troubles :). Thanks for the info. Those dual displays, can they be configured such that one shows what's Now Playing and the other lets you Browse of Search? How would you rate the usability of Transporter vs Squeezebox? And, if you have a...
  10. ralflar

    System #137 (Vantage)

    More changes Thanks man. Meanwhile the Arcam DV137 has been replaced by a FMJ139 (FMJ = full metal jacket, no kidding), and an Emotiva DMC-1 pre-pro arrived today. It and the Emo LPA-1 will replace the Yammy 1600 HT receiver. I have been playing with an Emotiva 2-channel pre-amp (RSP-1) and...
  11. ralflar

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    The new upscaling Denon CIs get very good reviews. My 2910 has certainly been very reliable. Its 1080i upscaled output is not bad but not great either. I do not have the Saving Private Ryan DVD but played plenty of others on it without lip sync issues. No, I am not going out to buy that DVD. I...
  12. ralflar

    Slim Device - Transporter

    Ah, so we do have two Transporter owners. TWO, one new, out of a much larger number of Squeezebox + DAC owners; that by itself is remarkable, especially because the members of this board tend to own more expensive audio toys. Kruppy, thanks for dragging discocarp out of the woods. ;)...
  13. ralflar

    Pro amps

    Emo Ryan, I think you will like LMC-1/LPA-1 combo. For instance, while the LPA is certainly very cheap for a multi-channel amp, it is built very well. I can stand on it (I tried). The case is spec'ed for 200 pounds. With age comes weight but fortunately I can still stand on a LPA-1 and not...
  14. ralflar

    Slim Device - Transporter

    That would depend on who you ask. Some say that once the jitter is in the bitstream it won't matter if the DAC masters the transport's clock or not. They even say it may harm more than do good. As far as I am concerned, there are 100 reasons other than the clock sync feature to chose a...
  15. ralflar

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    There are upscaling SD DVD players. And then there upscaling SD DVD players. The results range from Yawn to I didn't think SD could look so good. IMO those BD and HD DVD players are not in the latter camp. There is still plenty of live left in high quality SD players. I haven't the slightest if...
  16. ralflar

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    Are you sure about that, Thai? The 2700 still has the Faroudja chip you so despise ;).
  17. ralflar

    Pro amps

    Ryan, the LMC-1 is a pre/pro, not an amp. The LPA-1 is a 70 pound Class A/B 6/7 channel $500 beast. It stays cool too, unlike my Yammy which cooks even when idling. The LMC-1 may have issues depending on what you intend to use it for. Check those threads at There are also...
  18. ralflar

    Krell SACD Standard

    Looks great in your system! I like my components in silver, too. I seem to recall that Panamax offer replacement silver face plates.
  19. ralflar

    CD Players $1000 - $2500

    Dave, you won't find a rational explanation anywhere. I do not believe this kind of break-in exists, but cannot prove it. Others believe in break-in, and cannot prove that either. Debate is futile. I simply dismiss such claims as something from someone else's reality which is not applicable in...
  20. ralflar

    Krell SACD Standard

    I heard this player in an all Krell chain (SACD Standard, KAV-280p, KAV-2250) driving Vantages and Summits. Being no fan of the KAV Krell sound I will not comment on it here, especially since the player will sound different with your Pass. One word on build quality and usability, though: the...