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  1. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    Thank you, but as Bonzo reports and I concur, the Summit X is no match for the Arrakis (except possibly in the area of midrange transparency). The Neolith is in a different league than the Summit.
  2. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    I completely agree. I was just wondering if somebody might have gone through the exact same decision tree process I am now undertaking.
  3. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    I was in a slightly devious mood when I started the "natural" thread on WBF. That is why my post was almost entirely rhetorical questions, offering people food for thought.
  4. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    Have you heard the Neolith?
  5. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    Which Rockports did you hear?
  6. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    Yes, Gordon, that is completely true. I am trying to decide between Neoliths and Arrakis. As Bonzo correctly discloses I heard on Friday a very well set up Arrakis/VTL/vinyl system. It has been suggested to me, a life-long fan and owner of MartinLogan panels, that the Arrakis might be the...
  7. R

    MartinLogans to Rockports?

    Has anyone switched from MartinLogan speakers to Rockport Technologies speakers? I would be grateful to understand the thought process and the reasons which led a MartinLogan owner to switch to Rockport speakers.
  8. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Gordon, I agree with you on that!
  9. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Finally! :D
  10. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    I like John Kasich a lot, and I contributed to him the individual maximum amount. I think he is the only Republican who could win a general election.
  11. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    I agree completely that the 40 or so "Tea Party" Conservatives in the House, and Ted Cruz in the Senate, are doing far more damage to the Republican Party than Democrats could dream of doing! The "Tea Party" people will never break off into a third party. A variety of political science and...
  12. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Effectively, you are saying that anyone who does not believe in the policies espoused by Liberal Democrats -- anyone who is a Republican -- has been brainwashed? You lament the lack of fellowship and co-operation and compromise in Washington, D.C. If you want to know why Members of Congress...
  13. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    I, for one, would not worry about that. That looks like a blog post, not an ostensibly objective news article. I reviewed all of the recent articles by the author and he is not at all subtle about being a Left-leaning Democrat, so his political bias makes his essay suspect to begin with. The...
  14. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Your linked article begins with an accurate explanation of the "collective right" view versus the "individual right" view, and provides an excellent summary of the relevant caselaw. The article reports correctly that in District of Columbia v. Heller the U.S. Supreme Court held that "The Second...
  15. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    You certainly are entitled to your personal opinion. You are free to disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court's declaration as to the meaning of the Second Amendment. But is your disagreement based on any actual understanding of Constitutional law and the origin of the Second Amendment amendment...
  16. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Dear amey01, I was hoping for a more thoughtful and reflective reply.
  17. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Dear amey01, As I wrote above (please see post #105): 1) The number of guns is largely irrelevant. Does it matter if a law-abiding citizen has one firearm or ten firearms? Is an automobile enthusiast who owns seven cars more likely to drive drunk and kill a pedestrian than if he has only...
  18. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Cries for more "gun control" have flooded opinion and editorial pages -- and this audio forum -- in the wake of recent school shootings. We in America are entitled to our personal opinions. We on this MLO forum are entitled to our personal political opinions. But the opinion that Americans do...
  19. R

    Have we become comfortably numb

    Isn't there some admonition against discussing politics on this audio forum?
  20. R

    To carpet or not to

    I agree that it depends on the starting point of the room acoustics overall. I, personally, do not like brightness so I prefer to err, if at all, on the side of slightly dead rather than slightly bright or reflective. I also believe to some extent in the "live end/dead end" approach. I use...