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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. tsv_1

    Found ML Apparel

    I think we'll need our fearless leader Tom to weigh in wrt forum protocol - and IF he's OK with it, and IF this were a voting democracy, my vote would be that before listing on eBay, you share some pictures with us, along with available sizes/colors and take first-come-first-serve orders... I...
  2. tsv_1

    ML EM-ESL for HT?

    Welcome to the forum Boris!
  3. tsv_1

    New York Audio Show

    Sadly, I can't join you guys there... flying down to see my daughter at college. I am targeting RMAF this year though in mid October. Be sure to take notes/pics in NY so the more vicarious of us can virtually tag along. Hope all is well Bob -t
  4. tsv_1

    Listening to some new gear at home...

    Great write-up Steve. Thanks for sharing your impressions... especially when your audio expectations get judo-flipped like that. Can't wait to hear your impressions wrt comparison between Nagra and CJ - should be very interesting indeed. Things are changing in my setup as well, and in fact a...
  5. tsv_1

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus

    Make that two audiophiles who have now made the switch from DAC2 to Wadia 121 (based on recent postings over on AA).
  6. tsv_1

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus

    Pete - this Schiit is getting good press for an entry level DAC that can handle high rez via USB... and it's under 500 clams.
  7. tsv_1

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus

    I know at least one major audiophile who just put his W4S up for sale in favor of this new Wadia. That said, I haven't heard the Wadia so don't know if if I'd want to make the switch. Like anything else, I may well want to swap out my DAC at some point... but I'm really loving the W4S right now...
  8. tsv_1

    New Montis speakers DOA. Very disappointing

    I will often call my dealer to help mitigate frustrations and disappointments... but he's probably not the same kind of dealer you're referring to ;)
  9. tsv_1

    Sheet 'LEAD' For Shielding Hifi

    Me too! I draw the simple analogy of video. Our eyes can quickly/easily tell when a picture is blurred, unfocused, faded, veiled, stretched or in some way suboptimal. The same holds for sound, but it's harder for most of us to immediately recognize these acoustical imperfections. These...
  10. tsv_1

    New Montis speakers DOA. Very disappointing

    Thankfully the euphoria of resolving the problem (and getting to the fun) usually compensates for the unpleasantness of discovering the problem to begin with. I too have spent large sums on items only to feel crushed when my expectations were not met. Probably true for the majority of us who...
  11. tsv_1


    Hi Don! Welcome to heaven! ;) Great to have you here on this side of the planar-gates.
  12. tsv_1

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus

    Nice! Could be you just saved Necro several hundred pounds sterling. What's your fee for that?
  13. tsv_1

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus

    Agreed... and I grow to enjoy my DAC2 more every day. That said, Wadia's new contender is getting a lot of good press and is a little less dough (surprisingly).
  14. tsv_1

    Wow a ML forum

    Welcome to the nexus, plexus. Thanks you for sharing some of your audio history with us. I always enjoy hearing people's first impressions of MLs. Almost always a jaw-dropping (and wallet lightening) experience. Cheers
  15. tsv_1

    greetings from ml virgin

    Welcome to the loony bin hifinutt :) - absolutely fantastic system you have there! Love to see pics and more detail when you can manage. Cheers
  16. tsv_1

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Congrats on the amp upgrade J!!
  17. tsv_1

    How Great is the Sanders Magtech?

    Awesome Pete! Will you be the first MLOian to drive CLXs with Magtech amplification?
  18. tsv_1

    Newbie in UK with SL3s

    from the New Forest to the gnarly wood of MLO... we welcome you to panel-land.
  19. tsv_1

    HORNs, Horns and more horns...

    One of the coolest audio dens I've seen in a long time.
  20. tsv_1

    New to the community and to ML

    Welcome to the fold Sam!