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  1. H

    Greetings from the UK - need guidance on amp upgrade for ESL X

    Hi Bob Good to read the ML issues of a fellow Brit! I have ML 13As (now for sale) but I experimented with numerous amplifiers and could share my experiences. I think you're right in looking at Class D - they are now challenging the best of conventional ss and tube (let's call them valve)...
  2. H


    This may apply to the likes of me as I bought a pair of ML 13As last year, but they are now for sale. The trouble with a forum dedicated to a single brand is that it doesn't invite criticism from contributors and is always biased towards that brand. Perhaps nothing wrong with that, although I...
  3. H

    Selling ML Masterpiece Series in UK.

    Can anyone suggest how I can sell my near-new Expression 13As in UK? It seems that UK ML fans either buy new or buy used from some source I've not yet found! Ebay and HiFiforsale have so far produced no genuine replies. :( If you've successfully sold ML equipment here, please let me into the...
  4. H

    Upgrade from Montis to ESL 13a?

    No but the 13A is a big improvement over the Summit. I heard used Summits at a couple of showrooms and 13A at another. After buying the 13As I found they didn't suit my room so they are for sale - a few months old and 100% perfect. Pity you're not in UK! Peter
  5. H

    M/L 13a owners ?

    The NAD M12 preamp offers an active crossover too. The Main output (balanced or SE) can be set to send higher frequencies only and Sub-Out for the lower frequencies. Select between 40 - 200 in 10 Hz steps and levels for each output can be adjusted + or - 10dB. Same goes for M32 integrated...
  6. H

    M/L 13a owners ?

    Very interested to hear your experience with ML 13As and the amps you've found ideal. I have 13As (bought new a year ago) and have used them with the Sanders Magtech and GamuT D200 Mk III amongst others. The only tube amp I have is a pair of Consonance Cyber 845 monos with a meagre 28 watts of...
  7. H

    Banana Plugs Vs Spade

    Ah, but good bananas are much better than spades that have worked slightly loose. This is easily done if the cables are moved and the spades are pulled slightly sideways. I much prefer good bananas - those with a full-length spring-loaded stiff wire that ensures plenty of metal to metal...
  8. H

    Just purchased my first pair of ML ESL 9’s PLEASE HELP!!!

    Well I'm never sure of this approach. If your speaker cable budget is say $400, are you better single-wiring with $400 cables or bi-wiring with 2 x $200 cables? I suspect the former. If money is no problem, then yes, 2 x $400 cables will probably offer a small improvement over 1 x $400 cables.
  9. H

    Just purchased my first pair of ML ESL 9’s PLEASE HELP!!!

    The NAD M32 is a great amp. I've been using one for a couple of years. I have Avantgarde Duo speakers that are very sensitive, but I've used the M32 on ML 13As too. Although I didn't get on with the MLs compared even with my earlier 2002-vintage AG Unos, the amp was a good match. I also...
  10. H

    Back into MLs with a vengeance

    Hi Ed and thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm sure the room makes a big difference and mine is certainly difficult being roughly semi-circular with the speakers either side of a central column facing across the room, with low ceiling height. There is 12 ft behind one and 15 ft behind the other to...
  11. H

    Back into MLs with a vengeance

    Hello Mark. I was in a similar situation to you a couple of years ago, in that "barn doors" were not welcome in my living room. I'd been using big Quads for a few months - bought as my first ELS speaker system. I liked the Quads - they sounded very similar to the Avantgarde Unos that I'd owned...
  12. H

    Line Level vs. Speaker Level connection to sub(s)

    > In the meantime, I'm curious about your thoughts re Line vs. Speaker Level connections to sub(s) Although many hybrid systems and subwoofers offer the line level option, manufacturers and distributor seem always to recommend speaker level. The line level option is normally quoted as best...
  13. H

    Existential Crises!

    Do you really want to spend that much on powering 11As? The amp will cost more than a pair of 11As. For your total budget, surely you'd be better off with better speakers (13As maybe) and a somewhat less crazy priced amp. Have you auditioned the Sanders Magtech? It's about $5000 (with MLO...
  14. H

    How Great is the Sanders Magtech?

    I bought a Magtech when my Expression 13As arrived. It's a great amp with low efficiency speakers, but you have to bear in mind that high efficiency speakers will bring out the "noise" that Magtechs produce. My other speakers are 101dB Avantgarde Unos and I tried the Magtech with these. Daft...
  15. H

    Woofer in phase out of phase

    As JonFo suggests, the best test is to measure the output volume around the crossover frequency and choose the loudest option. This is when the sub and panel drivers are in phase with each other. Because of amplifier processing (remember the subs's signal passes through 2 power amps), it could...
  16. H

    New feet/spikes/plinths for Electromotion ESL

    Now fitted to my AG speakers. A bit less offset and fitted with Iso Acoustic Gaia II feet. This was just part of a visual transformation of Avantgarde Duo speakers that have as standard 3 rather unattractive "scaffold poles" supporting the horns.
  17. H

    New feet/spikes/plinths for Electromotion ESL

    Thanks. Just ordered 2 sets for my Avantgarde speakers. I'm inclined to install them at right angles to the speaker sides (at least the back pair), if only so that the speakers can be laid flat on their backs.
  18. H

    New feet/spikes/plinths for Electromotion ESL

    Excellent new supports and thanks for the photos. They look impressive too. Are they adjustable for height - in case the floor isn't flat? I'd like something similar for my speakers. Thanks. Peter
  19. H

    UK Servicing Center

    Contact Pedro at Absolute Sounds, the UK distributor. If it's just an amplifier problem, you could try your big local dealer (not necessarily ML) - Oxford Audio Consultants - 01865 790879 - is probably your best local bet. I listened to ML Summits there a few year years back. Peter
  20. H

    Expression 13A Speakers – Predictions Please - and Questions

    Yes indeed - a real bummer. It's a great speaker and one that I truly thought would leave my old speakers for dust. I was initially prepared to go with them as they certainly have many excellent features, but all my music-loving / concert-going visitors found the old speakers (I could switch...