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    Sunday Morning Music

    Looking good Satch! I'm sure it's sounding that way too.:music: Glen

    System #68 (Vista)

    Looking real good Amey!! How do you like the toe in of your speakers at that angle or is that just an optical illusion? BTW the rack looks really classy especially with your equipment. Nice and clean. Good job!:music:

    System #204 (Vantage)

    Thanks for the advice. A while back I replaced all of my power cords with DH Labs including the ones connected to the speakers. They are also on a 20 amp dedicated circuit which I believe made a nice difference. If you haven't done this then it may be worth the effort. Glen

    Got my new analog rig - help setting VTA?

    While I no longer have the mint protractor since I sold my Scoutmaster, they are only made to work for one model hince I could not use it for my WT Amadeus, it was excellent and very precise. Spend as much time as possible getting it as exact as possible because you will be rewarded with your...

    System #292 (Spire)

    Great job Ray! If only I had Spires......(end of pity party:() Oh well. Keep enjoying those tunes.:music: Glen

    System #204 (Vantage)

    Thank you for the kind words. And yes, the amp has been quite a surprise as to how much more realistic my system now sounds. Of course there are still weak spots that I need to figure out, but as far as equipment the Ayre stuff has really opened my ears up alot. Thanks again and hopefully the...

    System #204 (Vantage)

    Anytime Jonathan, you and your wife are always welcome to drop in. In fact if you ever get real bored and want to critique my system, whether by ear or instrument, I would love to hear how it could be improved. And yes you were right about the SS amp making a very definite improvement in...

    System #310 (Spire)

    Very nice indeed!! :bowdown: Glen

    Clearwater man with cancer looking to sell his cherished Classical vinyl collection

    Thanks for sharing; that was real touching. Too bad he couldn't pass on his passion of orchestra music to his family. Glen

    Star Trek movie..

    Well said Rich. Jonathan, when Start Trek comes out on BluRay give me a call if you need help filling one of your seats.:D Glen

    Record brush

    Here is a link for the steam cleaning method on youtube: . This looks like a good idea to me. What do you guys think? Glen

    Record brush

    I just wanted to follow back up about the mobile fidelity brush. If you don't have one or the disc doctor brush I highly recommend it for wet cleaning. I still use the bristle brush on dirty records and then move to the mobile fidelity brush to get deep into the grooves. There are a few LP's...

    Checking Azimuth with Multimeter

    Thanks again Brian for the info. It looks very interesting and worth trying. Maybe when funds allow I will give this a try. Glen

    Checking Azimuth with Multimeter

    Thank you Brian for your response. I wasn't sure what phase error was? Also, is this Feickert software hard to use? I would be interested in such a tool if it is resonable in price and helped with other adjustments. Thanks again. Glen

    Checking Azimuth with Multimeter

    Has anyone ever checked their azimuth with a multimeter before? I saw Michael Fremer do this on his dvd and decided to give it a go. I used the Analogue Productions Test LP that contains a 1khz tone for left and right channels only. However, my results produced some interesting issues and now...

    Got my new analog rig - help setting VTA?

    Good write up Spectral. Thank you for giving me an idea of what to expect when I demo the Ayre. As for the fluid in the dwell, I used some when I had my Scoutmaster, and to be honest I'm not sure if I heard a whole lot of difference. Of course there did creep up a problem with my arm over...

    System #204 (Vantage)

    Thank you George for the kind words. I have definitely been enjoying music more lately with all the new changes. Hopefully I will be able to resist changing too much in the future for my bank accounts sake.:D Glen

    Record brush

    Thanks Risabet. After cleaning quite a bit of vinyl lately with my new 16.5 I am in agreement that the bristle brush can only get so deep in the grooves. Yesterday I received in the mail the Mobile Fidelity brush, which is like the DD, and it seemed to work much better. Of course it was late...

    ATS Acoustic Panels

    WOW!!! That's a very nice and neat setup. Looks like you spent a lot of time getting it just right. Thanks for sharing.

    ATS Acoustic Panels

    Hello Lee, I really like the ATS panels and believe they are very good quality. Especially for the price. You can click on my system link below and look at the ATS panels hanging on my wall as well. If you do a search you will see where others have talked about them, but I can't remember if...