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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Jeff Zaret

    Taking the panels off my Sequels, and I can't dinf the FAQ

    MotorToad, Mine were the same way when I took them off to do some work a few years ago. I would recommend going to Home Depot or some place similar which sells double-sided 3M tape. It was recommended to me my Jim P at ML. Good Luck Jeff:cool:
  2. Jeff Zaret

    System #20 (CLSiiZ, Sequel II and Depth)

    Thanks Dave and always Dan, my East partner in crime Jeff:cool:
  3. Jeff Zaret

    System #20 (CLSiiZ, Sequel II and Depth)

    Well I should have removed the CJ amp because it is now gone. "Busted"!! Yes that is the same amp Jeff was selling. It does do what I was looking for in an amp. I did give up some of the lushness of the CJ mid-range but not that much to miss it because the Act 2 Series 2 is amazing. What I...
  4. Jeff Zaret

    System #20 (CLSiiZ, Sequel II and Depth)

    My System page Updated the text and two new pics. Let the flaming begin Jeff:cool:
  5. Jeff Zaret

    Hello from Long Beach,CA

    Welcome I am a bit north of LB and if you ever make it up to the Antelope Valley let me know. Jeff:cool:
  6. Jeff Zaret

    CLS's in Toronto? Audition in exchange for California wine

    I offered a while ago and I am in Southern California. Oh well Jeff:cool:
  7. Jeff Zaret

    TT & subs = Rumble/woofer pumping?

    Many suggestions here to say the least. I believe it is the turntable where your problem is at this point. Is it not a bad turntable . Yes better tables have better isolation. Good points made by Jeff (TonePub) as to dust covers accentuating noise in the form of rumble. If you can take it...
  8. Jeff Zaret

    New Stage Owner!

    Brian, It should not hurt it or alter the sound at all. Just enjoy it. You will find something that works for you Jeff:cool:
  9. Jeff Zaret

    New Stage Owner!

    Brian, If you want little feet to set the Stage on, you may want to look at Hervie's Audio lab. He may have something that will work. Jeff:cool:
  10. Jeff Zaret

    Turntable choice for a newbie

    Questy, Both tables are probably on par with each other as entry level. You probably will be fine with both and one can understand you concern about jumping in unitl you find if you like it. As far as the phon pre with USB out I am not an expert at all and I am sure others will jump in. FWIW...
  11. Jeff Zaret

    CLS in bay area? Audition in exchange for beer or wine

    Lee, I am in Southern California so it is still a bit of a drive but you are welcome to come listen. Jeff:cool:
  12. Jeff Zaret

    Hoping to Learn

    I have a CJ LP70S which I powered my CLSiiZ without a problem. Jeff:cool:
  13. Jeff Zaret

    Tonearm on wrong side?

    I really miss all the great products from Lirpa Labs! :ROFL: Jeff:cool:
  14. Jeff Zaret

    Turntable suggestions needed

    Peter, You could buy my Thorens TD 125 mkii for about$750 and I am negotiable. I have a cartridge too so we can negotiate. :D I am local too Jeff:cool:
  15. Jeff Zaret

    Audio Epiphanies

    Rich, Happy belated b'day. I know there is some vinyl out there with your name on it! Jeff:cool:
  16. Jeff Zaret

    will panhandle for turntable

    Rvega003 I have my beloved Thorens TD 125 MKII up for sale on 'Gon but it is a bit more than you are looking to spend but well worth the investment. Jeff:cool:
  17. Jeff Zaret

    Finally finished My New Audio Rack

    Great looking setup and great job on the audio rack!! Jeff:cool:
  18. Jeff Zaret

    Depth i Low Pass Filter Question

    Brad, I have my Depth set at 45 and I would for most things it is just fine. Remember you do not want to be able to localize the sub. In other words, you do not want to be able be able pick out the sub only that the bass frequencies are there. :D Jeff:cool:
  19. Jeff Zaret

    Spires tweak...weights

    I did this with my CLSiiZ's a while back. I used paver stones. (Thanks Dan! :)) I am not sure of the weight but I do not think they are over 10 pounds. I think the investment for both was about $5.00 and one of the best tweaks of many. Jeff:cool:
  20. Jeff Zaret

    New CLS Owner

    Well then I guess I will have to sell my Conrad Johnson amp because it only has 70 watts. Maybe I need an amp the will produce enough SPL for CLSiiZ's that my ears will bleed?:ROFL: