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  1. Tj Bassi

    Yamaha AX-570 (100W): Will this damage ML Vistas?

    Just to ease your tension....I run Krell 650m's (yes, thats 650 watts per side) on reQuests (an older MartinLogan speaker). Have used this setup for two years with no problems. Its amazing what lotsa current does for an electrostatic speaker. Tj
  2. Tj Bassi

    monster power

    I use a J15 as backup for my Casablanca + digital sources....nice unit that has earned its keep. Tj
  3. Tj Bassi

    Appropriate coaxial cables?

    Thank you. Figured it was worth the ask. Tj
  4. Tj Bassi

    Appropriate coaxial cables?

    When connecting together components using coaxial digital connections, must the cable used be specific for this application? I have a few short runs up to my preamp to make (less than two feet) from digital sources and have some quality RCA interconnect cables lying around, was wondering if...
  5. Tj Bassi

    CLX photos from Munich

    No light oak trim (unless I've missed it)? Oak must have been fairly popular at one time as its common to find older units, i.e. reQuests, SL3's, in that color. Also if anyone can clarify, am I correct that the CLX's come in two different trim styles, one being more 'curvy' than the other? Tj
  6. Tj Bassi

    Monster Powered Amps

    My reQuests are paired with Krell 650m's. Originally I had been running 250m's and thought it couldnt get much better, but its amazing what more power (current in the case of electrostatics) can do for you. Tj
  7. Tj Bassi

    My Descent is humming - cable?

    Check older threads on the Descent noise issues. There is a situation where wires, normally hooked to the inside top of the unit, can come loose and pick up a hum from one of the internal circuit boards. Originally suggested by Jim Powers at M/L and has been found on more than a few units. Tj
  8. Tj Bassi

    cls setup

    Whoa....nice tape setup! Tj
  9. Tj Bassi

    Issue with dealer...

    Joey- While I seriously doubt the problem could have been related to the TT itself, keep me up to speed on what you ultimately find, as the unit is still packed away (!) Guess I'll go with a Blackbird... Tj
  10. Tj Bassi

    when will new CLX debut at CES?

    Six feet high.....? T-
  11. Tj Bassi

    Lessons learned from this hobby of ours...

    Most of my good equipment is packed away while our new home is being finished, leaving only my R2R tape deck, an old turntable, and an assorted box of vinyl/open tapes to enjoy. The turntable and tape are patched into a pathetically cheap all-in-one stereo acquired at a yardsale for $5.00...
  12. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    No, all listening was done with sources connected to digital inputs. Further tests this past weekend with my TT and tape deck seems to indicate, as others have mentioned both here and in reviews, that the digital performance of the Integra far exceeds what it does with two channel. Of course...
  13. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    Theta is so far behind that it will take a miracle of engineering to get the Casablanca into the mainstream in terms of connectivity. With the CB3 Theta had finally come up with a great OS that eliminated all of the problems previous versions had but we've been waiting quite some time for the...
  14. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    Seth- Your point is well taken. I dont have the experience with ML's and various pre/pro's you have; my buddy with the Integra is not a ML owner (yet) and I've only had two processors in ten years, currently running a CBIII. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Simaudio. I've yet to hear...
  15. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    Thats why I asked for another demo of my buddies Integra. He's not a two channel guy but said I could bring my own source and material along for fun. Come to think of it, maybe I'll even drag over my Pioneer RT1020 reel to reel. Open mag tape can put on quite a performance with the right gear...
  16. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    This unit is only a pre/pro so I dont see how it would/would not 'match' with any particular speaker.... Tj
  17. Tj Bassi

    Impressive Integra

    General consensus is that the Integra fairs well in the digital realm but only so-so with the analog inputs. I am hoping to get more time in with one this weekend, maybe even drag my TT along for the test. Hardware-wise it seems like a great value for the price. Tj
  18. Tj Bassi

    New home, new room......potential problem?

    Dave- My only point in mentioning copper specifically was that I wanted the plumber to avoid the nylon tubing and compression fittings commonly found on kitchen appliances these days. From what they've done so far, it looks as if the majority of the feeds are copper and the wastewater are...
  19. Tj Bassi

    Your Favorite "Ivory Tickler"

    +1 for Oscar Peterson Tj
  20. Tj Bassi

    New home, new room......potential problem?

    I'll have to sort thru some photos and upload one of the foundation/basement in progress. The basement is about ten feet deep, with seven feet of that completely underground, along with another 18 inches or so for the footings. So the builder digs a pretty deep hole to get started..... The...