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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Tj Bassi

    Has anyone ever arced a panel?

    Back in the early days of electrostatic speakers it wasnt uncommon to have a panel arc, but has anyone recently had it happen to a ML? I was trying a new pair of tube amps last night; had my back turned to the system for a moment and saw the whole room light up with a bright blue flash. First...
  2. Tj Bassi

    'Easy Jazz' thread, where is it?

    Doug- PM sent.... Tj
  3. Tj Bassi

    'Easy Jazz' thread, where is it?

    I've been searching for that thread on and off all day and havent come across it. Its here somewheres....I'll run across it eventually. I know there are recommended recording threads available from the main menu but I recall a specific thread on smooth jazz. Thanks for your suggestions.....the...
  4. Tj Bassi

    'Easy Jazz' thread, where is it?

    Chris- I thought there was a typo in your text, but had forgotten you upgraded to cast on your unit. Seems as if you and I are the only two on the forum running a KPS front end. The rest of the guys dont know what they're missing :rolleyes: Tj
  5. Tj Bassi

    'Easy Jazz' thread, where is it?

    Good info, thanks. I'll have to give that a try. Not that I have a computer or squeezebox anywheres near my audio room. With the exception of my Krell KPS front end, around here digital is considered :devil: Tj
  6. Tj Bassi

    'Easy Jazz' thread, where is it?

    A while back there was a small thread on everyone's favorite 'easy jazz' recordings, but I cant find it. Does anyone recall that? My two year old daughter, who is normally quite difficult to get to sleep at night, winds down much quicker if I put her in my listening chair with something along...
  7. Tj Bassi

    So how many of you guys have a major analog setup anyway?

    I guess there is no chance of the cart picking up noise from the neon tubes or the high-voltage inverters that drive them? T-
  8. Tj Bassi

    Replacement for Audiogon

    The new "make offer" feature on Agon is disappointing and something I wish would go away. Looks like they put it right smack in the middle of the listing page in an attemp to get offers rolling, but since this feature has been implemented, I have had more half-hearted offers (and just as many...
  9. Tj Bassi

    So how many of you guys have a major analog setup anyway?

    Jeff- Is your question limited to just vinyl (you asked "So how many of you guys have a major analog setup anyway? ") ? Not only are records mainstream media in many of the audiophile setups I've seen locally, but tape is starting to make a comeback. The store where I pick up most of my...
  10. Tj Bassi

    Use a light bulb to protect your panels

    Interesting, but I havent found much info on calibrated bulbs. The average tungsten filament light bulb has a fairly high filament temperature coefficient....there is a huge inrush current when first energized but the (quickly) rising filament temperature throttles that current way down. I...
  11. Tj Bassi

    Why does Stereophile not recommend a single Martin Logan speaker?

    You missed my point. As a long-time reader of TAS I've yet to read a review of a megabuck item which garnered a less than stellar review....the more expensive it is, the more RH uncontrollably drools on the printed page. I'm all for reading about 200+MPH super cars, but only as long as the...
  12. Tj Bassi

    what's your favorite drink

    I like a good Martini; preferably Tanqueray and Stock at around 3:1, although the perfect conbination has escaped me so far....(any opinions???) Keeping the Vermouth chilled makes a difference, and the glass should be somewhat cold as well. Quality garnish is a must, you cant use cheap grocery...
  13. Tj Bassi

    Why does Stereophile not recommend a single Martin Logan speaker?

    Hopefully the CLX's will earn a respectable review in TAS. I like that mag, but unfortunately they seem to be biased towards the ultra-exotic or just plain eclectic. Tj
  14. Tj Bassi

    New member with CLS IIa

    Welcome Ken! Its good to see that there is a continued interest in open reel among forum members. If properly done, reel to reel can sound pretty good.....tape is a little more 'hands on' than vinyl but I encourage others to attend tape sessions when possible. Some of the new 1/4" two-track...
  15. Tj Bassi

    Longer good quality IEC power cords

    +1 for SignalCable, used exclusively in my new dedicated room. T-
  16. Tj Bassi

    Power conditioners

    Like Tim I run all of my sources thru a P600 (Multiwave equipped but running 60Hz sinewave to keep TT happy). Found one on the 'Gon for $700 shipped to my door. Tj
  17. Tj Bassi

    Wood density holds key to Stradivarius sweet sound

    Stradivari's violins have been poked, prodded and examined using all sorts of modern equipment and techniques yet no single factor can attest to the tone quailty of those older instruments. Dr. Joseph Nagyvary took a good shot at reproducing that tone and his findings can be found here...
  18. Tj Bassi

    Need help biamping SL3s (tube/ss)

    Hal- Try this link.... Back in '05 I tried the same thing you are doing, but with a pair of reQuests. At the end of the experiment, I was of the opinion that the woofer section of that speaker was not substantial...
  19. Tj Bassi

    Descent phase settings....?

    Somewheres I read that the proper subwoofer phase control setting is the point at which the sub's output is the loudest. Is this particulary true? I just set up a new (although temporary) audio room focused on two-channel playback. We are using a pair of reQuests teamed up with a pair of...
  20. Tj Bassi


    Joey- I've sat in on a demo of a used Trio and came pretty close to plinking down the cash, stopping only because I wasnt convinced that the sound bettered what I already own (and also had to justify the significant price offset). Never saw a Duo, but the Trio was one sexy speaker (OK, so...