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  1. cleon

    let's talk about cables

  2. cleon

    let's talk about cables
  3. cleon

    Flowers and Bunnies (and my experience with Logans)

    WE can not have a serius talk with someone who thinks that Yamaha RX-V459 is high-end reciever.Martin Logan is a high-end brand and you have to tread it like this.BUY A RECIEVER AND AMP FROM LEXICON OR CARY OR PASS LABS OR PLINIUS OR MARK LEVINSON OR JADIS OR MBL OR KRELL FIND GOOD CABLES TO...
  4. cleon

    Power Plant Premier

    Joey, and the next move?plinius for the stage bridjed and cary 211 aniversary monos for the summits....:rocker:
  5. cleon

    Power Plant Premier

    ps audio's power plants like p1000 and ppp is the bigest upgrade of your systems.The diference is amazing.It protects,cleans and it is a lifetime investment.You will never cry for your money and you will be relaxed with your equipment.I am very pleased of ppp :D
  6. cleon

    Cables~Wires~Cords... Once More Unto The Breach - A Tortured Look At What We Love...

    robin, you can reed what the reviewers are saying even if i don't trust them.
  7. cleon

    Cables~Wires~Cords... Once More Unto The Breach - A Tortured Look At What We Love...

    pcar928fan, i have to agree that everest is a very good speaker cable but not as good as the siltech's,BUT IF YOU NOTICED everest is so much expensive because it uses silver too.Valhalas are very hard and thin to my ears and i thing they are very much overprised.Probebly around 1000 usd for 2,5...
  8. cleon

    Cables~Wires~Cords... Once More Unto The Breach - A Tortured Look At What We Love...

    probably i was missunderstood since english is not my native lanquage.What i want to say to this forum is that i am having great results with this cables and i recomend them strongly if anyone here want to go move in this price range as i recomend other cables as well,like cardas interconects...
  9. cleon

    Cables~Wires~Cords... Once More Unto The Breach - A Tortured Look At What We Love...

    i am talking about high end and for systems that cost 50000 and more,siltech is very analytical,trasparent and believe me i have tryied a lot high end cables like valhala,cardas,audioquest(everest and sky),tara labs the one....WITH DIFERENT speakers like nova utopia from jmlab,zingali...
  10. cleon

    Cables~Wires~Cords... Once More Unto The Breach - A Tortured Look At What We Love... i don't care if there are more expensive cables out there i just know that these are the best cables.i am dogmatic as you will be when you listen to them.:cheers: :rocker: :D :haha1:
  11. cleon

    "final" equipment choices

    I have tryied many cables.I had a audioquest volcano and it was ok but when i change it whith the siltech's it was a huge upgrade.Soundstage goes back and up,they also have more clarity and detail.You will hear things you didn't notice before.As for interconects i think cardas golden ref are a...
  12. cleon

    "final" equipment choices

    Don't Make The Mistake To Hear Siltech Ls-188 Satt Mkii Speaker Cables With Your Summits,unless You Have 7000 Usd To Spend For 2.5 Meter Pair.
  13. cleon

    Classe Audio versus Parasound Halo amps

    i have only heard halo jc1 vs classe and the halo sounds better.The only thing i didn,t like was that it brings the sound forward and it misses some details.On the other hand the classe is too soft.I believe that plinius sa 102 or sa 103 is the best in this price range for the summits.If you...
  14. cleon

    Buying Sumits, Classe or McIntosh Electronics

    Thats what i said,the past line of classe amps is a great mach with the logans thats why i said that if you can affort cam350 monoblocks is one of my best choises because they have a wonderfull and clean mid and tremble and not so good bass which dont matter because the summits have their own...
  15. cleon

    Buying Sumits, Classe or McIntosh Electronics

    I have make all of my listening with siltech ls-188,audioquest volcano,nordost Valhalla(speaker cables),cardas golden ref,siltech compass lake,audioquest sky(interconnects)siltech spx 30(power cords)always with hydra 8 or psaudio p-1000 conditioners.Krell sounds great with siltech speaker cables...
  16. cleon

    Buying Sumits, Classe or McIntosh Electronics

    i am very sorry to tell you this,but both of them sucks.Because i don't want to get misunderstood,both of them are great amps but not for the summits.McIntosh is very dark and classe is weak.If your dealer has a cam350 monoblocks left is a great match otherwise try plinius,levinson or krell...
  17. cleon

    new scripts and clarity

    thank you mitt,i am planing to do it in about 20 days because i am waiting for the rack and the vistas. :)
  18. cleon

    new scripts and clarity

    thank you very much for your interest...
  19. cleon

    new scripts and clarity

  20. cleon

    new scripts and clarity

    new scripts and clarity ? hi,does anyone knows when are we going to see the new models of these speakers? :rolleyes: