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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. mattables

    Difference Between Granite and Concrete Bases

    I am sure Martha Stewart's love of concrete has diminished lately. However, if you need some granite, just go to a commercial tile company and ask for their scraps. They throw away hundreds of pounds of the stuff daily. Coming from a geologists point of view, concrete and granite may have...
  2. mattables

    System #34 (Clarity)

    updated the pictures
  3. mattables

    Question from a Novice Listener

    Thanks Roberto I will try moving them around, but my amp is a solid state. You said, "With tubes, you can match your liking." Is it harder for a SS amp to run different ohms? Matt
  4. mattables

    System #34 (Clarity)

    Originally no. I had the Bose 901 and some nice Polk bookshelf surrounds, both powered by a standard Sony receiver. At that point in time, I thought the system sounded great. However, after I bought the McIntosh system, all of the weaknesses of the Bose were exposed. (The usual bug, the...
  5. mattables

    System #34 (Clarity)

    another pic Here is another picture from the front.
  6. mattables

    System #34 (Clarity)

    Matt Austin, Texas U.S.A. Speakers: 1 Pair ML Clarity (purchased October, 2003) Pre-Amp: McIntosh C29 Amp: McIntosh MC2205 (200 watts/channel) Amp #2: Marantz 4400 (just use this as a tuner for the XM Radio) Cables: Nordost Flatline Gold DVD/SACD: Sony DVP-NC685V Turntable: Pioneer PL-630...
  7. mattables

    Question from a Novice Listener

    David, Thanks for the help. That was the answer I was looking for. mattables
  8. mattables

    Question from a Novice Listener

    On the back of the old Mac amps, there are separate connections for each output. Right now I have it set on the 4 ohm. I was just wondering why 4 ohm is better than 8 ohm in this case. mattables
  9. mattables

    Question from a Novice Listener

    I am relatively new to the high quality audio world, and I need a little help. I am running a pair of Clarities with a beautifully restored McIntosh (MC2205). This is an older amp, and I have the choice of a 1, 2, 4, or 8 ohm output. The Clarities request 6 ohms, so should I be using the 4 or...
  10. mattables

    Welcome To Our New Home!

    Great Job!! The new site looks great. Thanks for all of the hard work!!