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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. ttocs

    A Sincere From My Heart Question Regarding the Future of ML ESL

    I buy products for what they are able provide at the time of purchase. After purchase, the manufacturer is expected to fulfill any warranty claims. Beyond the warranty, all companies are released from any obligation to me. (There are exceptions, like automobile manufacturers being required to...
  2. ttocs

    New Member Seeking Opinions/Sanity Checks Regarding Sequel II to ESL15a Upgrade

    This ^^^^^^ As Leporello says, simplify. Connect just one speaker at a time and listen for hours if need be to see if the drops occur. If no drops happen then connect the same speaker wire to the other speaker and test the same way. If the drops still don't happen, then connect that speaker...
  3. ttocs

    A Sincere From My Heart Question Regarding the Future of ML ESL

    I wore a shirt. I'm sketchy on the rest.
  4. ttocs

    A Sincere From My Heart Question Regarding the Future of ML ESL

    Wrong. No head piece is needed. The camera tracks the head. I didn't wear anything for my demo. I just sat in the chair and moved my head all around, as far as I could lean forward, backward, and side to side, and the sound never changed, it always sounded great. But, not so for anyone else.
  5. ttocs

    A Sincere From My Heart Question Regarding the Future of ML ESL

    THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I agree 100% with JonFo! Moving speakers and seating affects the sound more than anything else! When it comes to location and orientation, TRY EVERYTHING! It's FREE!
  6. ttocs

    Suncoast Audiophile Society hosting a Zoom conversation with Gayle Sanders/Eikon Audio

    Their web site doesn't like me either. It "lands", but it's just a blank white page, so it seems intentional.
  7. ttocs

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    From what I see, the Intro Package doesn't do Head Tracking, it's just the app and tech support. For Head Tracking which needs the Ear Microphones it's a bunch more moola.
  8. ttocs

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    The BAACH system is not just for being able to move one's head about. There is quite a bit of "room removal" happening. The rooms upstairs at AXPONA are incredibly terrible, acoustically speaking. But the demo I got made the room virtually disappear, which meant I had a great experience hearing...
  9. ttocs

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    It's not a head in a vice for the person sitting in the MLP. I was able to move my head about as much as I wanted and the sound did NOT change, it was always great. But, There's a camera that follows the head of the person in the MLP, and this is how the software app knows where the head is and...
  10. ttocs

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    Janzen Valentina A8 They didn't sound like anything special when I was sitting outside of "the zone", but once I sat in the special seat they came alive!
  11. ttocs

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    I got a demo at AXPONA in April, and it was very fascinating! With limited time and an active demo going on, I wasn't able to ask all that I wanted in deference to everyone else in the room wanting to experience what I did. I was sitting left of MLP before I got the chance to sit in the MLP...
  12. ttocs

    Network Streamer?

    I jumped ship from Tidal last year. I tried to like the MQA tracks, but came across too many that sounded worse than "low res". I ran concurrent subscriptions to Tidal and Qobuz and kept Qobuz. I've not used a dedicated hardware streamer, as I have been happy with an old Mac mini 2014 I updated...
  13. ttocs

    ATVX Discussion

    @msimanyi this may need to be a thread of its own, dunno. But this ATV-X stuff is pretty interesting! This opens up looking at power supplies in general that are maxxed out due to trying to stay within lower power guidelines which may impact performance. I wouldn't mind if power supplies were...
  14. ttocs

    ATVX Discussion

    First off, thanks for sharing this. I wouldn't have known otherwise. They, the AppleTV X folks, have some interesting info and ideas. They also showed why the latest ATV4K is not one to buy, but instead buy the previous model, because of what they call "cost cutting" design and manufacturing...
  15. ttocs

    Impedance Anyone?

    Using a shunt is more accurate for sure, but also more back and forth to measure with/without the shunt. Also, I'm not quite certain - if using a scope - about the need for Differential Probes? I'm not quite settled on that for this purpose, but I think it's suggested to keep the Ground issues...
  16. ttocs

    What About ZERO Autoformers?

    I measured the impedance of a ML 13A Expression, first without, and then with, a AntiCables ZERO Autoformer connected so the impedance is 2X (2 times the impedance). And it pretty much is double, plus or minus a bit. I'm not using UL quality laboratory testing equipment or anything, but it's...
  17. ttocs

    Impedance Anyone?

    I connected a AntiCables Autoformer with the 2X (two times) Impedance multiplier setup and measured to see if it's really two times the impedance. And it basically is, plus or minus a little here and there (sorry for the super scientific language). Because of the multiplier being involved, I...
  18. ttocs

    2023 Axpona

    It sounded very good! But we don't know what the frequency range is for the woofers, how high they go, and we asked but got nothing but flippy floppy.
  19. ttocs

    Impedance Anyone?

    Well this was fun! I took a lot more time with this tonight, which by the way I wasn't expecting to have time to do except that because of working late I had to cancel Movie Night! with a bunch of friends, so we'll be doing that in a few days. So, once I got home I had time to play with this...
  20. ttocs

    Impedance Anyone?

    Thanks for the links. I've seen a bunch of others which all show the impedance rise anywhere from 700Hz to a couple kHz, depending on speaker model. My issue is with the Current clamp probe I bought which seems to have difficulty below 1kHz with getting absolutely repeatable results, at least...