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  1. Jimna

    Copper Wire Lowes Electrical for Speaker Wire?

    ^^Is there a source that I can reference on this subject? I have just constructed my first cable using 6 runs of 10' of cat3. Ill finish the second tomorrow and solder them, and see what I have. You were right about this task sucking lemons, I would continue to put it off, Cat3 is not user...
  2. Jimna

    Been experimenting!

    Very cool, your thinking outside the um inside the box? wait this is confusing... Congrats on the toys, Gordan.
  3. Jimna

    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    I hope you feel better and the toddler gets over this stage quickly, Rich. Great post.
  4. Jimna

    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    What do you know of my eduction on the matter? If you voted for him, your to blame, period. I know its hard to except a mistake of such monumental proportions(let alone doing it twice), but its true all the same. The point of the youtube video is the simple fact that no man as mentally...
  5. Jimna

    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    Its not his fault, its everyone who voted for him....twice.
  6. Jimna

    A few Jeff Beck shots

    Yes that 3 song scramble can be harsh. I like pics with various guitars and whatever else they pickup onstage to add character to the moment...thats hard to capture in the first 3 songs, hell most bands arent warmed up until the 4th tune. Some bands allow 3 songs each set which is a nice...
  7. Jimna

    A few Jeff Beck shots

    Nice work! What did you shoot those with, Jeff?
  8. Jimna

    What album or song is your guilty pleasure?

    HA! I prefer new school rap and to blaze a banana flavored blunt. :ROFL: Speaking of Mariah Carey, anyone see Eminem's YouTube dis on her? Its about as bad as I have ever heard or seen.
  9. Jimna

    1 Amp to Monoblocks-Differences??

    Can I help with any camera problems you might be having? :p
  10. Jimna

    My Dedicated 2CH system is is back togather again!

    That looks absolutely stunning. I wish I could hear it. Time to make new matching amp stands!
  11. Jimna

    What are your listening habits?

    I am all over the place on any given day. I do tend to listen to things the whole way through, but its nice to do the random selections from time to time for variety of choice as well. As for only high quality audio, no, I have 1000's of live recordings that range from HQ production releases...
  12. Jimna

    Considering ML Odyssey

    Hello Jungle Jack, I enjoy your posts which are always well thought out and well informed. I also like to read a long time poster here named Bernard's post as well. He is irritated to the ends of the earth by long quotes in threads because they make for long pages of redundant info with small...
  13. Jimna

    Please help me choose Center/Rears for my ML Prefaces

    I love my Prefaces, they are the perfect blended middle ground between the slam of boxed drivers and the airy surreal high to mids of what makes stats so wonderful, you wont be disappointed. Mine are in a 2 channel only kit, so Im no help in the multi-channel arena unfortunately. Good luck and...
  14. Jimna

    System #327 (CLS IIz)

    Looks great!! Makes that room look smaller too. Congrats!
  15. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    I would like to recommend The Dead Weather's new album Sea Of Cowards to everyone. It has just enough originality to qualify its addition to my library. I must admit I was first listening with a negative ear having found out Jack isnt playing guitar but instead drums, but was quickly put in...
  16. Jimna

    Gen Y prefers more accurate audio - but does not like ML

    Pardon me, but what age group does the gen Y cover?
  17. Jimna

    New Ride 5

    Sweet machine!! I used to run a Case that was the same size.
  18. Jimna

    How Long Have Your ML Panels Actually Lasted?

    this thread is comedic gold.
  19. Jimna

    Jl 113

    this thread is all sticky. eeewwwwwwwww
  20. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    .....and since you asked about Widespread Panic, Joe, I read this the other day and found it intriguing. I'm a sucker for the storytellers insights. Widespread Panic’s John Bell on “Saint Ex”: My wife Laura and I are great fans of “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint Exupery. It’s thought...