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  1. T

    Help: Aeon i panels dropping in volume after a few minutes.

    Does this work? (I don't know why it's getting attached so small...) If you have any doubts then please become a diyaudio member, and ask member 'bolserst' for advice, as he's very helpful and an invaluable ESL resource.
  2. T

    Help: Aeon i panels dropping in volume after a few minutes.

    This is the best clue. Are your Aeons grey market imports to England? What does the manf label say? 120V 60Hz or 220V 50Hz? There's an explanation on of how 50Hz AC cycle is not quite sufficient for keeping the HV going, by design... Here it is...
  3. T

    SL3 sound is 'dim' or dead in the middle of panel.

    Either the hv charge is not reaching that area at all, or the charge is bleeding off (leaking to stators through conductive dirt in spacers) faster than it can be recharged. For the former, maybe a corroded or warped copper strip is not making good contact with the diaphragm, so try manually...
  4. T

    ML Aerius

    It would be interesting to know what the seller means by "restored." A pair of local Aerius was on craigslist a few weeks ago asking $600, and the pics showed replacement panels with clear spars (and thus more reliable than originals), which would have been a pretty good deal.
  5. T

    dumb question

    Steve is indeed FULL of it! The ESL knowledge, that is...
  6. T

    dumb question

    Hi Jazzman! Not a dumb Q; just a dumb place to ask. It's an over-voltage protection device, discussed here:
  7. T

    SL3 Power Supply Board - No power, Red LED D1 On - any suggestions

    TRIAC1 could have failed, and you can short it out to confirm. TRIAC1 when energized completes the ground for the HV ladder, so the ESL should work again, although the music sensor function will be gone. Ask here for a complete diagnosis:
  8. T

    One Ascent gone quieter. Anyone heard of this before?

    Send them to Germany for repair:
  9. T

    One Ascent gone quieter. Anyone heard of this before? On my SL3 these symptoms turned out to be a bad transformer. $16 plus shipping from ML.
  10. T

    Aerius active crossover and more project

    If you wanted to keep things a lot simpler, then you could use an analog active xo for only the bass, while leaving the passive xo and eq alone for the ESL. But that's easier said than done, because there are no cheap analog 12dB/oct active xo's on the market. Maybe the closest is the Rolls SX45...
  11. T

    300 Hz Crossover for ESL 11, 13, &15

    ALL ELSE BEING EQUAL, YES you should chase a lower xo freq. But in reality, once you're down below ~400Hz, whether it's 270, 300, or 340Hz is a wash. Better to concentrate on whether the whole speaker can play loud enough in your room, and if the particular woofer/box/xo you're considering has...
  12. T

    Midrange and imaging issues with Vantage

    If cupping your ears solidifies the image, then I think you have Left-Right asymmetry of the first or second reflection points. You could attempt to correct some asymmetry by using a panel (which doesn't have to be all that large if it's in the correct place). Could you show us pics of your room?
  13. T

    ML reQuests - reseating the stator up where it belongs.

    It is my educated guess that the spots you see are the additional 'graphite' coating which has migrated over time. It's normal and seen on all MLs after a while (so don't clean it off).
  14. T

    Aerius (not i) woofer replacement

    Unfortunately the 22W/4534G00 is a 4 Ohm speaker which is NOT what ML was using in the Aerius (see post 13), so it sounds like my realization did not reach you soon enough? So now is a great opportunity to go active xo on the bass!
  15. T

    Dampening Electromotion with No Rez

    In those curves, aren't you comparing one speaker with no NoRez and no EQ ("Right Front No EQ") against the same speaker with NoRez applied but WITH EQ ("Right Front w NoRez"), so two changes at once?
  16. T

    Weak sounding panel repair (nothing to lose)

    Isn't the charge strip made of copper and running up only one side of the ESL sandwich?
  17. T

    difference between aerius i and aerius ii

    Also crossover point is moved down to 450Hz in 'i' from 500Hz, along with different woofer. My educated GUESS is the panel itself is the exact same. Stereophile added a new Z curve when they tested the 'i' in 1998:
  18. T

    SL3 distortion / saturation

    Yes, that is a possibility (as I said in #6)
  19. T

    SL3 distortion / saturation

    By this age, electrolytics could stand to be changed as they might have dried out and change their capacitance value. Film caps last forever relatively, and are an audible improvement on the ESL side, but more expensive and more bulky than e-caps. I still think there's a high likelihood of this...
  20. T

    SL3 distortion / saturation

    Better pic?