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  1. T

    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    Washing the panels is a last resort before buying new panels. The point of washing the panels is to get settled and condensed contaminants and dirt off the diaphragm and spacers, so that the diaphragm can hold a charge and so that 'dirt' doesn't short and leak away the HV. Washing the front is...
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    The metal clips screwed into the cabinet which retain the pins in the mounting rails can be turned around and mounted in the preferred way: so that tapping the rails upward releases the rails. This discourages the panel from slipping down under gravity (and pulling a wire loose -- another...
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    Using Regenerated 125V vs typical household line

    Yes, it will! Higher rails, more peak power.
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    Using Regenerated 125V vs typical household line

    At least your power amp will make 8.5% more power on 125V versus 120V.
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    Mogami W3082 vs Goertz Aplha Core Speaker Cables

    Could you explain how you got 10uF from the Z curve? In front of my Ascents there's around 35uF in the high pass section alone....
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    Capacitor upgrade for Quest Z, Recommendations?

    Is this for the cap in parallel of the woofer in the low pass xo? Use four 470uF 63V Elna RFS (Silmic II) electrolytics in series-parallel, which will give you a non-polar equivalent of a 470uF 120V cap.
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    Replacing amp with SL3

    Rod Elliot covers bi-amping pretty well, as he does with everything electrical:
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    Panel cleaning question

    The special graphite slurry is applied after stretching the diaphragm and serves as a 'backup' conductive coating in case of micro cracks or damage in the main vapor-deposited coating already on the diaphragm. In the ML assy photo you can see the graphite has been applied using a mask to keep it...
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    Panel cleaning question

    What you've discovered is a graphite coating which starts to migrate and concentrate under the stator holes and make a spotty pattern. It's not dirt, and it's normal.
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    Replacing amp with SL3

    You could passively bi-amp your SL3's.
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    ML Depth Resurrection - (Help Requested Please)

    The simplest fix would be to source an exact replacement woofer from another Depth, and one will turn up on ebay, eventually.... As you know, Depth is a sub that depends on all three woofers being the same. Let's list the steps for this to go right: a) SpEx needs to carefully separate the...
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    ML Depth Resurrection - (Help Requested Please)

    Did SpEx say that they can get the actual OEM (Vifa?) recone kit, or is it an aftermarket or general purpose kit? In other words, will it match the other two woofers in this Depth? Why aren't the other two woofers damaged, or can't you tell yet...? Isn't this 'spending good money after bad'? Get...
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    I just noticed that what I said earlier is wrong: Actually the tension is side-to-side, not top to bottom....
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    ML SL3s

    But what about all that UV light?? J/k, thanks for the update!
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    Flutter on vantage speakers

    Jonathan is on it! Symmetry: I would also remind you to get those first reflection points the same L to R, along with your listening position. Once the first and second sound paths are correct L to R, it's much easier for the brain to continue concentrating on the stereo info in the recording...
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    Flutter on vantage speakers

    Would you describe the problem better? Are you sure it's not the ESL revealing some flaw in the recording?
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    SL3 woofer replacement

    fresh link:
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    ML SL3s

    "Official" SL3 woofer replacement: Discussion thread:
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    Increasing Martin Logan sweet spot with Synergistic Research HFT's

    Sizzling mini cymbals are not snake oil. They really do make a sound. You can make them yourself from aluminum foil. Now, as to WHY you would want to listen to shimmering tin foil, well, there were even ML models that has these already built-in, called something like NAC....