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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Jimna

    hello! :)

    How in the world did you get banned form the Emotiva site, Gordan?
  2. Jimna

    Why I love cheerleaders

    Great shots! What motivation to go to the game! I agree those are well done, and your widow of opportunity must have been narrow too, kudos. I have a band or 2 that I really like even though I don't really like them. ;) ie:
  3. Jimna

    System #114 (Summit)

    are you worried about the UV rays on those panels?
  4. Jimna

    Its Official - September 19

    That's incredible Satch! /jealous I missed it knowingly yesterday, but I played 1-20-76 yesterday anyway. :music: I did record Dweezil last year on the eve of Thanksgiving at the Fox, great show. I still write him in on ballots when I can justify voting for those officially on it. In high...
  5. Jimna

    Vista bass drivers fried again! What's wrong?

    For the price of a set of ML ESLs they should play that loud. Thats like buying an expensive sports car that you can drive too fast...give me a break.
  6. Jimna

    System #291 (Prodigy)

    Nice job, & nicer HT!
  7. Jimna

    System #361 (CLX, Descent i)

    Yes, Ill echo the rest, nice setup! :drool:
  8. Jimna

    Where Were You?

    I was off work while Verizon settled a Union dispute over fiber rights, so I slept in. Missy woke me saying that a plane hit the WTC, so I sprang out of bed and watched the second hit in real time. I lived in Berlin PA then, about 4 miles from where the last plane crashed. Between the time...
  9. Jimna

    Martin logan at Future Shops

    When I bought mine(from a Magnolia type BB) I demo the Vantages in the store. Haven't been to one since so I cant say if its still the same, and that was in April '08.
  10. Jimna


    :ROFL: Mine started Kindergarten this week, I almost forget that stage of the game. We need someone to incite Rich, that would liven things a bit.:p
  11. Jimna


    Where is everyone? This place is is about as exciting as a convalescent home. /tap tap this thing on?
  12. Jimna

    Copper Wire Lowes Electrical for Speaker Wire?

    Here we go, finally got the pics taken. I really do like these cables. As I mentioned, I used 8 runs of cat3 so I could reach (actually exceeded) 10 gauge cables. I added the techflex to tidy them up and make them look semi normal.
  13. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    Jerry Joseph & Jackmormons Mouthful of Copper - 2003 One of the most prolific song writers of my generation, Jerry Joseph should be on everyones to do list.
  14. Jimna

    New speakers!

    To bad Im so far away I would take the speakers off your hands....enjoy the new toys.
  15. Jimna

    Encore vs Motion

    I would recommend the Preface as mains with Encore center and surrounds. The Preface retail price was rock bottom after they discontinued them. They are a great speaker by themselves, and the ATF driver would be matching through out your system. ETA: I hung fiber all through Berwick, matter...
  16. Jimna

    Copper Wire Lowes Electrical for Speaker Wire?

    well Im a liar, my gear is all packed up to head out to a music festival in the high country, so no pics this weekend, sorry. FTR, when I re-worked them I added 2 more runs of cat3, so 8 total, and I did measure them all to be equal lengths. Also I tried to twist the ends as evenly as possible...
  17. Jimna

    Copper Wire Lowes Electrical for Speaker Wire?

    Oh yes, I forgot about this thread, please for give me this is heavy concert season. Ill post some pics tonight or tomorrow, but I love them! I did loose about 6-8 inches off each fixing the mis-matched pairs and re-terminating them, and Ive added techflex to each to pretty them up a...
  18. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    Ive seen them live a few times now, high energy band for sure....and she aint hard on the eyes either.
  19. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    Vic Chesnutt wrote quite a few song that Widespread Panic performs and have recorded live. Fantastic song writer, but a tortured soul. RIP