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  1. Jimna

    System #342 (Vantage, Montage, Grotto-i)

    Glad to hear you like it, I like mine too. I took the 2 trim rails off and it made it look better IMO. Looking forward to the photos.
  2. Jimna

    System #365 (CLX)

    Love the geometry of your room, and your system is the perfect complement. Very nice, your a lucky man.
  3. Jimna

    Maggies in the Main Room

    What did you pay for them, if you dont mind me asking?
  4. Jimna

    Porsche Talkin'

    Even those in Joe's stable? I certainly hope so!
  5. Jimna

    What is better? a Top of Line AVR or used separates for Vantage

    I like my XPA-2, you will have to spend a lot more to do better IMO, and thats a value.
  6. Jimna

    Sunday Morning Music

    I am listening to my recording from last week. I love a truely ambient sounding recording that really captures the feeling in the room, and this one does. Its a free download at , a share site for Colorado tapers that only shares music allowed by the artists(read more on this at...
  7. Jimna

    What to upgrade next... new ML's, Krell amps, ...???

    Yes, you have wonderful problems.
  8. Jimna

    Speaker Cable Help

    Great recommendation Feltran! I will look at those. Ive been looking for an affordable bulk cable. What do you like about them, can you expand??
  9. Jimna

    Preface Placment Help

    Thanks for the vote of confidence.:D
  10. Jimna

    Preface Placment Help

    I sorta miss the tweek period. Now I just listen.... time to change something! I actually plan to wack a hole in my desk and recess my monitor about 10" for better unobstructed listening at the desk. My wife thinks I will ruin my desk. Hope she is wrong. TGIF
  11. Jimna

    Preface Placment Help

    No, it wont help at all. You have had these speakers a while now, I expected that trial and error would have been completed a long time ago. Its all about the T&E. ;)
  12. Jimna

    Room Acoustics treatment for electrostatics

    Jeff said it a long time ago, if you want to hear what your speakers really sound like take them outside and play them. I believe thats the sound we should all strive for in our rooms. I guess hearing is believing but we should all strive for that roomless sound. Glad you have tried this...
  13. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    I am working with a local ezine now, and trying to make a move to bigger things so I felt the money was well spent. It is an incredible tool. I shoot in RAW, and not many programs have capability to deal with those files. But unless you serous about photography it could be overkill. Check...
  14. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    I use Lightroom 3, it is the best Ive used yet.
  15. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    Hi Satch, I did in fact have fun in the J-corder room, I loved all the gear in their array, some of which I used when I was a cable-tech which was cool. I must admit as much fun as their room was it wasn't very impressive sounding, the omni-directional speakers aren't my cup of tea even though...
  16. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    some of these are repeats of Tim's, sorry for the redundancy.
  17. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    here is a slide show to my pics: here is a link to the full set to pick through:
  18. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    I was blown away! They pack quit the punch in a small package, very impressed. I think my biggest let down was the the over all music played. 99% of it sucked IMO, and I cant be that alone on this. I mean I get that the old guard who has helped this industry flourish in decades past may...
  19. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    I had a blast. I took some pics too, but had flash problems so many didnt turn out well. I was very impressed by Sanders room, but was disappointed to be chased out by a line of people waiting. He was opening some eyes to the stat sound for sure. A few other highlights for me were the YG's...
  20. Jimna

    RMAF 2010 Show Report

    This is great, Tim. I cant wait till the morning now! :drool: