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    • V
      Vitetech replied to the thread Dipping my toes.
      Hi DanR, Thanks for the offer, but I already pulled the trigger on the Sequel IIs. I will keep your offer in mind should that one fall...
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      Vitetech replied to the thread Dipping my toes.
      Hi Tmort. Thanks for the advice. I have a Parasound HCA-1500 (~200 wpc) that I hope will work well with these speakers. Thank you...
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      Vitetech replied to the thread Dipping my toes.
      Sequel II. Autocorrect changed it to “is”. Thanks for the feedback, I’m going to buy them.
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      Vitetech reacted to GregLett's post in the thread Aerius i vs Sequel II with Like Like.
      You must have these:rocker:
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      Vitetech replied to the thread Dipping my toes.
      Funny, just saw a pair of Sequel is in my neighborhood at a price of $900. Thoughts?
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      Vitetech replied to the thread Dipping my toes.
      Thank you very much Russr. Your input has been very educational. I will start looking around for appropriate speakers. Stay tuned, I’ll...
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      Hi Everyone, New to the forum and thinking to dip my toes in the electrostatic speaker pool. Any recommendations for speakers <$2000...
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