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  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to JonFo's post in the thread SANDERS AMPS PRICE DROP ! with Like Like.
    First, awesome news! While I have two ESL amps now, I want a third one for the rear speaker panels and, eventually, a fourth one for the...
  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to bba8rjp's post in the thread SANDERS AMPS PRICE DROP ! with Like Like.
    Just bought a Sanders ESL for my Martin Logan Summit X's. I think "Frank" is Frank Rhoads at Sanders. I was using Wyred 4 Sound...
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread SANDERS AMPS PRICE DROP !.
    That is quite a drop in price! I've been very happy with my current amp, but have always wondered about Sanders. I came close to...
  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to VideoVic's post in the thread SANDERS AMPS PRICE DROP ! with Like Like.
    I just wanted to post a "SHOUT-OUT" to Frank Sanders at SANDERS SOUND SYSTEMS and let everyone know about something that is very rare...
  • ttocs
    update.... Dirac plus a subwoofer or 2 helped a lot with taming bass, pretty much eliminated the bass issues - however the negative...
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread MORE Isolation Feet?.
    I also tried washing machine rubber pads which did little to nothing on my hardwood floor (with basement below). I bought GAIA feet...
  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to Mia_G's post in the thread New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ? with Like Like.
    Hi Big Dog RJ, I know best/better is subjective, my aim was to give insight into what I've already tried and get suggestions to...
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread Impression 11A in the house.
    @denali that is very good info to have from ML, thank you!
  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to denali's post in the thread Impression 11A in the house with Like Like.
    I have a pair of 13a’s and asked ML the following questions: Question 1 Before the signal is sent to the DSP preamp it is at a...
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread Impression 11A in the house.
    This is what I got when I did a bunch of measurements to create an Impedance Plot for one of my 13A speakers. Looks pretty similar...
    • Martin-Logan-13A-Impedance.jpg
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread Impression 11A in the house.
    Well, what about subwoofers with Speaker Level Inputs? I believe that it's the same situation. The amplifier for the speaker isn't also...
  • ttocs
    ttocs replied to the thread Sequal MK 1 Vs Vista.
    I've owned Vista before, but haven't heard Sequels. Looking at photos, the distance between the spars on the panels looks to be greater...
  • ttocs
    ttocs reacted to Corvette 01's post in the thread New 15a’s with Like Like.
    I just upgraded from a pair of 802d’s to a demo pair of 15a’s.I’m using a McIntosh c47 preamp and a mc 452 amp with them! I’m very happy...