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  1. StimpyWan

    Class D amp with 15a

    I'd love to hear any of the Rogue Audio hybrid designs. Amps/Integrated amps with tube front ends and Class D amp modules. PS Audio has their M1200 mono hybrid amps too, that should be interesting as well.
  2. StimpyWan

    New Electro Motion owner, need 1 power cord, anything special required?

    M/L customer service has the woofer grills too. I had to order one for my EM-ESL's.
  3. StimpyWan

    Tubes or Solid State

    I use a Schiit Saga tube preamp, into an Aragon 2004 MKii power amp, which drives my ML EM-ESL speakers. While I like my Saga pre, I also like to tweak. So, I upgraded the Saga's stock Wima output capacitors with Mundorf EVO Oils poly caps, bypassed with AudioCap film and foil capacitors...
  4. StimpyWan

    ESL high end

    The SLS S8R's use planar magnetic tweeters. So, they are not true ribbon tweeters, and more similar to Infinity Emit tweeters. As such, there's no reason, with proper amplification, your EM-ESL's shouldn't sound just as good. My EM-ESL's sound great on my Adcom GFA5400 or my Aragon 2004MKii...
  5. StimpyWan

    ML Purity set not producing sound

    In the third picture, on what I assume is the bias voltage board, there's a grouping of 6 electrolytic capacitors. At least 1 of those capacitors appears to be leaking on top. One or 2 others look swollen, bulging on top. If so, you need new bias boards. Hopefully, ML still stocks the boards...
  6. StimpyWan

    So I did a thing

    The EM-ESL and the ESL-X both use the same width panel. So, the mounting brackets between the 2 models are most likely the same. As such, I'm not surprised then, that the X panels fit and work. Also, not surprising that the output is different, as the X is designed to work and blend with 2...
  7. StimpyWan

    ESL with a problem

    What gear are you using? Amp? Tube or SS? Could the ML's be exposing a system issue?
  8. StimpyWan

    New 2024 Abyss subwoofer lineup

    A nice touch in the use of dual passive radiators. That should enhance low bass impact and transient response, while negating any type of bass boom or port noise.
  9. StimpyWan

    ESL with a problem

    About the only way the crossovers could cause this issue, is if they're damaged. Damage could be the result of amp/receiver clipping. Maybe pull the bottom port panel, and inspect the crossovers. Check the 4 white power resistors for discoloration from over heating? Damaged resistors could...
  10. StimpyWan

    Electromotion esl panel isn't working . Please help!

    The ML impedance drop is in the high end, very high in frequency, so it isn't the huge issue that people think. I've powered my EM-ESLs with a Yamaha RX-A3030 AVR, as well as Adcom and Aragon amps, without ussue. To me, MLs like quality over quantity, so feed them with the best gear you have...
  11. StimpyWan

    ESL with a problem

    Here's the crossover board. Ignore the loose caps, from another project. Just 4 capacitors, 3 inductors, and 4 resistors.
  12. StimpyWan

    Martin Logan ESL Electromotion-No panel sound

    Internally, there's a small LED board, (attached to the input panel), the bias voltage board, and the crossover. The woofers connect directly to the crossover, so they'll play regardless of panel issues. The panels feed from the crossover, and the bias boards, resulting in 2 areas of potential...
  13. StimpyWan

    Electromotion esl panel isn't working . Please help!

    Did you order the correct wall wart power supplies? I would have tried those before ordering the bias voltage boards, since the wall warts supply the correct voltage to the bias boards. Also, when my bias board failed, the blue LED at the binding posts wouldn't light up. If your LEDs lit...
  14. StimpyWan

    ESL with a problem

    Shower Cleaning PDF thread.
  15. StimpyWan

    ESL with a problem

    This was last year, and the bias board was around $85.