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    • Q
      Qc11A replied to the thread ML News tease.
      Please noooo, I just bought a new pair of 11A's and was afraid the line would be renewed soon after ... I know a new thing always comes...
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      Qc11A reacted to ttocs's post in the thread Mic for ARC Genesis with Like Like.
      One note about cables and microphones. The cable cannot be very long, but depends on the mic involved. 15 feet is the longest I've been...
    • Q
      Qc11A replied to the thread Mic for ARC Genesis.
      To update about my mini USB cable adventure ... Anthem confirmed to me that to their knowledge there is no particularity to the cable...
    • Q
      Qc11A replied to the thread Mic for ARC Genesis.
      Hi again sleepysurf, as written in my first post, I did not buy the PBK kit from ML but the older Anthem branded one which, I did not...
    • Q
      Qc11A replied to the thread Mic for ARC Genesis.
      Thanks sleepysurf. The kit I bought is brand new but it is not the new ones I guess. It came with the older mic which is the exact same...
    • Q
      Qc11A replied to the thread Mic for ARC Genesis.
      I know I am resurecting an old thread but I think I made the mistake to buy the Anthem Arc Kit to callibrate my 11A. I see in the manual...
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