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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. M

    Advice on room size for 13a / 15a

    Thank you for all the advice and sharing some things I hadn't considered, in particular distance from side/rear walls. Here's a design sketch to show the space - there will be a large media unit (12' wide) that sits on the 20' wall which will impact distance between the 2 speakers. Looking at...
  2. M

    New member - ESL Electromotion's (currently)

    Hi all, I just joined having come across the forum whilst researching a potential upgrade to my current pair of Electromotion ESLs. I'm running them from an Accuphase E560, Lumin D2 and Transparent Plus speaker cables. Looking forward to the upgrade journey! J
  3. M

    Advice on room size for 13a / 15a

    Hi all, This is my first post and I'd value some advice as I look to upgrade from Electromotion ESL's following a house move which I think needs a larger speaker to fill the room. The room is an open plan living/dining room, measuring 26 feet long by 20 feet wide, with a ceiling height of...