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  1. Lightloopy

    SL3s in a domestic environment with Krell amp and ML Subs

    Welcome. That is all part of the fun and what works best for your needs. I also found them to need some bass support and used a Fathom F113 for many years. Lots of great information and support here. Enjoy the tunes.
  2. Lightloopy

    SL3s in a domestic environment with Krell amp and ML Subs

    Welcome to the site! My first ML was the SL3 which I first heard in 1998 and was hooked. I had them for 20 yrs until the 11A replaced them. My friend has my SL3 now and they still sound fantastic. My only suggestion is to consider pulling your speakers 4 feet away from the wall and a...
  3. Lightloopy

    Obsessive hobbies....

    It's a 1995 Carrera Cabriolet I have had 25 years. It's a great all around car and checks off so many boxes for fun but is not crazy exotic to maintain.
  4. Lightloopy

    Obsessive hobbies....

    I've seen pics of your car...beautiful example. You will be set for Spring!
  5. Lightloopy

    Obsessive hobbies....

    993 winter project.. replacing suspension and related bits, luckily the power steering rack started leaking right before bringing it in, so that's getting rebuilt. Amazing that the car rides as nice as it does on 30 yo/ 150K parts. Best garage upgrade was a minisplit unit. Especially with...
  6. Lightloopy

    Tubes or Solid State

    VTL MB 450's for me - controlled SL3's and now 11A's with big, effortless, organic sound. Happily addicted. Have a great holiday.
  7. Lightloopy

    New Member

    Welcome. Look forward to hearing about your system! Great information here to help you get the most out of these wonderful speakers.
  8. Lightloopy

    Preamp recommendations

    I was looking for a replacement for my aging CJ Premier 16 and Stephen Monte at Quest for Sound loaned me the Backert Rhumba Extreme and although pricey, a stellar performer. It's been in the system for several years and no complaints.
  9. Lightloopy

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    I heard the SL3 at Overture Audio in 1998 and was converted at that moment and was the gateway drug to the audiophile world. The SL3's were a constant while I made my way through a few SS amps till I got a pair of VTL MB 250 Signature triode monoblocks years ago. No desire for anything else...
  10. Lightloopy

    Bose acquires McIntosh

    I had a Clarion in my 83 Scirocco (Wolfsburg Edition-of course) -great little car. I can't believe I tried the fake plastic radio face Pep Boys sold-did not work.
  11. Lightloopy

    Montis v Impression 11A

    One thing to consider is the panel age of the Montis compared to the 11. Used 11A's seem to come up also. As always, put the best quality front end on any of these fine speakers.
  12. Lightloopy

    Tubes or Solid State

    The Cary is a respectable amp and should be up to the task of driving your Quest. Age is definitely a factor to consider re your panels and your tubes. Worn out tubes can sound wooly and lifeless. If your tubes are 10 yrs old then it might be time to retube. Sounds like a great...
  13. Lightloopy

    Tubes or Solid State

    Which Cary model are you using? It may be adequate but not up to the task of really showing what your Quest are capable of. Also, how old are your Quest panels? If >20 yrs, they may be on their way out too.
  14. Lightloopy

    Tubes or Solid State

    Sounds like you have your own answer right there. You were clearly satisfied with your capable tube amp for 10 yrs without the need to hunt for a replacement. Certain tube amps are definitely not meant to be paired with stats but others are more than capable and handle a stat just fine...
  15. Lightloopy

    Amp question Ss or tube?

    The Sanders is a highly respected amp and would hang on to that and explore high quality tube magic on your 15's. I love high power tube amps with my 11A's and use early series VTL MB 250 and now MB 450's. Other members have used CJ Classic 120's which are able to handle the stats. In my...