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  1. L

    Think I’ll take a break as my head is spinning !

    I’ve been looking to replace my Quad 2905s ( too imposing for our lounge although they work well). At present I’m regaled by every model of the Masterpiece series being available used, and affordable, here in the UK. But space is the key problem in our 20’ x 13’ lounge. Could not get rear of ML...
  2. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    Lyngdorf only had experience of one instance driving 11as with their entry level tdai1120 where they experienced hiss. They are not aware of any other instances. One user drives 13a with the same amp as me without issue. The 1120 swings 30amps, the larger 3400 40amps. Thinking about Classic 9s...
  3. L

    New Member - long time ML owner

    Brilliant explanation. I’ve been actively bi-amping my Quad ‘stats with some passive woofers ( driven by a second amp) with good results. But wife wants smaller speakers. Loved the 11As but tempted by the 9s due to their passive setup. Two questions; Does anyone have a guide as to how to bypass...
  4. L

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    Where does it say that ? As far as I can see from the website; ORC is a $1000 upgrade There is no mention of different functionality between Intro and Audiophile The only difference in installation is measured by tape ( Intro) or microphones ( Audiophile). There is no mention of different...
  5. L

    BACCH4mac, you really should try it

    Just cannot grasp the weird pricing. $980 for the intro version and another $4000 for the Audiophile version. For that you get a Babyface Pro ($800 retail) and a pair of in ear microphones. Am I to believe these are $3000 + microphones ???
  6. L

    Build date ?

    Anyone ?
  7. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    I did listen to the 9s and 11As, but in a setting where space was not an issue. The 11a just sounded much more ‘grounded’ and effortless ( both driven by Gryphon 333). I’d love a passive version of ML hybrids as I can bi-amp and tailor an active crossover. If only ML produced a larger version...
  8. L

    Build date ?

    This number on an Impression 11A. Is that Aug 2017 or 2019 (i or L). Thanks
  9. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    Interesting. My amp also has a 40 amp output so perhaps it’s not that. However the room correction software does not allow tailoring of the frequencies it affects ( which span the whole audio range). That said I doubt it would be needing to boost high frequencies much - unlike Dirac etc it does...
  10. L

    BACCH4Mac pricing

    I’ve been reading about this innovation which sounds very interesting and something I might want to try. However, even the Intro software package would mean adding a Mac in the chain ( ok if you already have one you can add to your system) which doubles the cost straight away. Looking at the...
  11. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    Sadly I’m not in a position to change amps, besides which the Lyngdorf is the most transparent sounding amp I’ve owned - better in that respect than the Parasound JC1’s, Plinius class A, NVA and others. The amp is a gem and does just about all I could ask for - fully digital, analogue and...
  12. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    Thanks. Never had many issues with my Quads ( also owned the 57s many moons ago). These were built in 2008. In 2022/23 I replaced all 12 panels (3 had developed faults) so they didn’t do too badly. Tbh they sound pretty good and bass is a little better having them bi-amped with a pair of passive...
  13. L

    Masterpiece positioning

    I’m running a pair of Quad 2905s plus passive subs in an actively amplified setup incorporating Roomperfect. It all sounds pretty decent. However I was recently very impressed ( excuse the pun) by a pair of 11As and am considering a change ( assuming the Lyngdorf digital amp can drive them -...
  14. L

    Masterpiece series and Lyngdorf

    Hi Has anyone experience of running any of the ML Masterpiece series with Lyngdorf amplification ? Especially if using their proprietary RoomPerfect correction software. ML suggest there might be a problem if RP boosts high frequencies too much, exacerbating the very low impedance load of the...
  15. L

    Hi all from sunny Somerset UK!

    Still have the 11s ? I heard these last week and was mightily impressed. Also in Somerset, I’m thinking of changing from my bi-amped Quad 2905 setup. Both speakers have their strengths and it’s a real toss up. I currently use Lyngdorf amplification with room correction in our ‘normal’ 20x13 lounge.