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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. J

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Nice. Do you have the sinks identified? I have built a few First Watt amps as well as Pass Labs Aleph. Nelson is such awesome dude. My latest F5 is a small-ish amp with higher rails (+/-30vdc) and uses a quiet SMPS instead of a Linear power supply. I biased it to the point where the sinks hit...
  2. J

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Hello Brandon, Crown XLS series amps do not use ICEpower modules....they are their own class D design. There are a few companies out there that use ICEPower modules, but most are not PA based companies like Crown who have the expertise to design and build their own....
  3. J

    New CLS IIa owner - Martin Logan Super System

    Wow. Interesting hobby. I also have experimental plans on CLS... Great minds think alike, no? I have a three pairs of various CLS models - one pair CLS II bare stators (mylar removed - experimental), one pair of CLS IIa panels (mylar replaced by me, but needs to be redone) and one pair of CLS...
  4. J

    Best speaker cable for CLS?

    FLAME GUARD ON I make DIY interconnects using cheap CAT5 wire and RCA connectors off Amazon (join all solid color and stripped wires). I have also used CAT5 for speaker wire. Its was designed for optimum signal transmission. If you want to get into the weeds, the electrons supposedly flow on...
  5. J

    What causes panels to wear out?

    Yea, I remember reading about about CLS % elongation on mylar (tensioned length-wise only), but I do not believe it was from ML.... I guess I can make a few panels with different tensions and run some REW tests...or just build a DIY deflection meter like you did...problem is the only real...
  6. J

    What causes panels to wear out?

    Yup, prolly same reason Chevrolet had a 60,000 mile design life on the Vega. Planned Obsolescence - i.e. More Sales / Money? I will start a separate thread on my not want to clutter up this thread...just one more question - what is target mylar tension on a CLS? I have never been...
  7. J

    What causes panels to wear out?

    Interesting... The coating Quad used also are near bulletproof, but may not be as durable as Acoustat... Acoustat's coating is very thick compared to Quad, ML, etc. I saw old pics from Acoustat showing them applying the coating with what looked like a paint roller...we talk of ML panels...
  8. J

    What causes panels to wear out?

    The ML Panels have an infused coating that charge up the panels, but this coating will deteriorate over many years. Another problem I see with ML panels is as the panels get old, they separate along edges. The Bias Ring - basically a copper tape that is connected to the red bias wire that is...
  9. J

    Klipsch "The Fives" honest thoughts

    For strictly desktop use, I have always used these Monsoons (discontinued). The panels are Eminent Technology type Push-Pull planar magnetic transducers. Actually, they may be licensed directly from ET when they were sold years ago. People were buying up these units just for the HP transducers...
  10. J

    Umm… my Quest Z’s still work when they’re unplugged from A/C?

    Yup. I personally know of a Quad ESL-63 that suffered this fate....a friend preferred to plug his Quads into a switched room light outlet to save energy (even tho leaving them plugged in all the time only consumed milliwatts). His wife wanted to listen to some music one day while he was out, and...
  11. J

    Umm… my Quest Z’s still work when they’re unplugged from A/C?

    The ability for an ESL speaker to continue playing after AC power is removed is sign of a healthy panel. Be happy. But driving ESL panels with very low or no charge on them will damage your step up transformer and / or amplifier.
  12. J

    For Sale Used SL3 panels

    I visit Champaign / Urbana somewhat frequently (Alma Mater). Next time I get down there I will give you a shout...if you still have them. Thanks
  13. J

    For Sale Used SL3 panels

    Where in Wisconsin are you? I m in Chicago and may be interested in a few ESL experiments...
  14. J

    Classic 9 amp consideration: Sanders vs Anthem

    Sanders' opinion is to have an amp that has all the power needed for any music peaks not to clip. I have the Sanders Kaya amp - converted to full range. I only use it for very difficult ESL loads, like my Acoustats.
  15. J

    For Sale Martin Logan Esl 9 $3500 local pick in the NJ area Lists current and sold items...just plug in your search.... Works great.